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The game loop kept me playing for a while, and that algorithm sounds like it would be easy for your end. Actually, did the game include more complex recipes? I only ever crafted 1 ingredient + 1 bottle for an item, I didn't think to try combining items or combining them with already made potions. Hmm...


Yeah, you can "rebrew" potions. Like: brew a potion with mint, then place the brewed potion to the slot where the bottle would go and place another ingredient in the ingredient slot. Then you have a potion with complexity two. 

Upgrading the algorithm wouldn't be such a hard work but now I have some personal matters that I have to make. After I'm finished with them I'll surly keep developing this game. 

Great! I'll have to dive back in and look at this complexity addition. Is there a limit or could I theoretically keep rebrewing as long as I have the coin to back it up?


Throreticly you can keep going forever, but around complexity 4 or 5 the 'extra coin gain' starts to be smaller and smaller. (The algorithm is logarithmic)