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Awesome! You've really kept this trucking forward. I know what you mean about not being able to relax. I'm about 90-95% done, but I feel even more stressed in some ways, hehe.

Arg! That keyboard! I hope that's an easy fix. Funny story, when I finally added the logic for losing when HP hits 0, I was doing a bunch of testing. Making sure you'd lose control during the "defeat" animation, respawn at the appropriate checkpoint after the gameover screen, etc. After losing and respawning a bunch of times, my controls stopped working. I immediately thought that there was a mistake somewhere in the events that wasn't re-activating the player control. I dug for 10-15 minutes (using my mouse) changing things, switching things. Eventually, I got to a point that I had to type to make a change I was trying... and... nothing. I couldn't type. My wireless keyboard had run out of juice while I was testing the game. *face palm*

(1 edit)

The last 10% of the work takes the last 90% of the time, as they always say.

I'm hoping it's just a cracked solder joint- I think I can fix that without tearing the keyboard completely apart. If it's a broken switch or broken trace it's going to be a much more involved repair. A normal person would probably have thrown this keyboard out years ago- it's not a high-end board to begin with and it's known to have issues with keycaps breaking and lights dying. The lighting on mine is still good but it has very few original keycaps left. But I've grown used to it and will throw unreasonable amounts of time and money into keeping it working.