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Furlorn NSFW Furry Game(WIP) (PROTOTYPE)

A 3D nsfw furry game that's a remake and continuation of Furgeon · By Sanctioned13

Bug Report Sticky

A topic by Sanctioned13 created Nov 26, 2021 Views: 1,533 Replies: 44
Viewing posts 1 to 12
Developer (1 edit)

Please report any and all bugs you found and how you managed to find them, knowing the steps would be heckin handy especially if it's replicative, :3

Hello. Since today update I can't start a new game. Whenever i click on "New game" I get a window with "continue" and "cancel"  buttons but when i click on "continue" it didn't do anything. I tried to reinstall game and delete saves but nothing works.

Developer (3 edits)

That's very odd indeed, pry has something to do with certain character modification saves that were initiated this update, for the meantime there is a way to delete all data in the game, load or start a game and when your character is on the screen press and hold: LCtrl + LAlt + LShift and tap R, this will close the game and delete all data, this includes save files and settings so be warned. Till I figure out what's causing that issue sadly this is the only fix for this strange bug, sorry, :( 

EDIT: If you just wanna change the character look or basic character just use a Polymorph Potion to get to the character creation screen again without having to reset or start a new game.

Good day. This method didn't work for me (first time downloading the game), are there any other ways to start the game?

(1 edit)

Hello, I'm not uploading this game to this account anymore and will be removing it completely due to wanting to split my nsfw and sfw into separate accounts, please try its new home on my new account and let me know how it goes:

I downloaded and tried to start a new game, unfortunately the situation did not change. I tried on the new version LCtrl + LAlt + LShift and tap R but it didn't help. In the future, write to your discord channel?

(1 edit)

I prefer here since i get a nice notification when it comes to bug reporting. But yes that's very odd, what version of windows are you running?, @.@

I have Windows 10 Home version 22H2 OS build 19045.501, processor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700H 2.30 GHz, RAM 16.0 GB, 64-bit operating system

When I just started the game, my laptop shuts down. 

I don't know if it's because of my laptop or because of the game. 

So I don't know if it's a bug or not.

Has it happened to anyone?

My laptop is old but one of its games had worked very well. 

Is there anything that can be done?

Developer (1 edit)

That's...., very peculiar, especially since I mostly optimize so that I can get my games to run on older hardware and of course on mobile. Yes I'm very curious, this is the first I'm hearing of this, has anyone else been having this issue?, o.o

I solved it and I think the problem was with my laptop.

I managed to fix it by running it from a program and then from there lowering the graphics and putting it in windowed mode, now the game runs correctly but....

When I'm customizing the avatar and I start moving the color settings the model turns green in the parts where I'm changing the color but it depends if I'm moving the red or the blue ones or is it me that doesn't know how it works?

is this intentional?

by the way very good game keep working on it please <3 :3 it's nice and cool.


glad you figured it out and yee, the color sliders are for the 3 primary colors, red, green and blue. So moving the red and blue down will result in a green color., :3

whenever I try opening it in the tutorial it kicked me out and when I didn't show the tutorial I can't even tell you where I spawn it kicks me out every time.

Developer (3 edits)

That's, very odd, windows or android?, try starting a new game? Or try loading a different save slot? Or last option, while in game try a full reset by pressing these: LCtrl + LAlt + LShift and tap R, this'll do a full reset and delete all save files so be careful.

I'm on android so maybe it doesn't work on my version or probably it didn't download properly? I tried new games a lot because I couldn't even save my game that's how early it kicks me out and I tried clearing the cache and data that failed too


Yea, sorry, android is pry the most unstable version of the game, right before multiplayer, for some reason for some devices it just bugs out really weirdly, highly suggest trying pc version instead, ^.^'

I have no pc. Good luck though

Fur coat colors are bugged for me. In the character creator I can only select color that are at the either end of the RGB sliders, everything else in between will result in the same overexposed color. This happens to spawned NPC's as well that use the same models.


that's definitely odd, but should already be patched for the current Patreon version v0.20, sadly it does happen sometimes in the public build, :(.


Cool, thanks for the quick reply! :D


No prob, seems some peeps got around it by using a Polymorph Potion, lemme know if that works for ya, :3

I was exploring around the map when I came across a border I could not cross but the land continued on some parts and didn't in others. It matched up with the split in the book when you looked at the map in the inventory. 

Developer (1 edit)

Not actually a bug, only about half the map's terrain is actually somewhat placed, the other half has an invisible border to prevent players from falling off the world while that half is being worked and shaped, there aren't even any colliders over there yet so without the wall players would just fall through the terrain. The game is still heavily in early development after all and making an entire map has proven to be a bit difficult, anywho hope you like it still in its early development phase, :3

(1 edit) (+1)

I was just mentioning it cause before, I was able to actually explore that area. But that does make sense that you would isolate areas you are working on that way the game doesn't accidently break on players.

Hi, i just downloaded the game but when i want to create a new game it spawns a window : "warning start a new game" but when i press continue it doesn't do anything....

What can i do ?


Go ahead and click continue then restart the game and press new game again, should take you to the character creator.

Hi ! I've got the same problem as the other person. I've done what you said and it's still isn't working sadly. Even when I reinstall the game :c


Try a hard reset, press and hold: LeftControl + LeftAlt + LeftShift + R, should close the game and wipe all data and start up properly, :3

(1 edit)

if you press Esc while you are on the crafting table you start to fly


That's an odd one, i cant seem to replicate it, how strange, @.@

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By the way, is it normal for a blue orb to follow you? Or is it a moon or something?


blue orb? mind sending a screen shot?, o.o

(1 edit)

 I had to upload it here because of the weight limit, by the way I have to correct myself, the orb is right over the town (open the link) looks more or less like the sun, only blue


oh, its night time, thats the moon, :o

(1 edit)

the sun was out, besides it didn't even move. Is it intentional?

The android version is not opening at all


give it a minute, may take a bit, which version of android are you using, some of the newer ones can't really run Furlorn.

Worst of all is that I have no ideia. I'm sorry ;-;

(1 edit)

I'm currently struggling with a bug that doesn't let me get past the character screen. I have done hard resets already, several times with the key combination you said, but it still didn't solve it. No matter what I do, the game just wouldn't start. I have played already two days ago, everything was just fine with my first save, but I got stuck and I was forced to delete that save. So I did, but after that, I just get stuck at the character creation screen everytime. Maybe once the next update drops, it might fix itself


That's very odd, the usual hard reset key combination should fix it, sorry about that, @.@

Hello, I have a problem in the tutorial, since the text does not appear in the part where I think they teach how to fight, please tell me how to attack? I am using the google translator to be able to write, tkm

Tkm/Tqm: I love you so much :D


Hello, to fight you need to press R to toggle combat mode, LeftClick to attack, RightClick to use your spell and ScrollWheelClick to flirt, have fun, :3

thank you <333

Windowed play won't show the confirm buttons at the bottom of the screen (pretty important). But playing in fullscreen means I can't close the game.


hu, thats certainly a new one, does quit not work in fullscreen?, @.@'