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(1 edit)

Loved the feel and the graphics on this one and thought I'd got off to a good start getting the moss but then struggled with any of the others.  So many rooms and objects plus a limited inventory meant a lot of walking around trying to figure out which one to do next and where it could possibly be.

Nice atmosphere and writing, felt a little bit like Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams in places and the graphics gave me a nice Manic Mansion vibe!

Stick with it. There are lots of in-game hints. If you've drawn a map, it might be best to concentrate on one room at a time. Examine EVERYTHING. Most of the ingredients are staring you in the face, it's just a case of working out how to get them. The puzzles aren't necessarily easy, but the solutions are always logical.

I also got a Maniac Mansion vibe!