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Oh, nice, I like the new interface.
The game over screen is a good addition, but make it skippable, because if you die a lot (like me :D), it will be quickly annoying to always wait for the music to end... :D
Your next upgrade will be the last, or are you planning the work beyond v1.0?


Thanks glad you liked the changes :)

I wanted to have the game over screen not be accidentally skippable so that people can see their score if the high one didn't change, but i probably overdid it with the delay being the whole music XD, i'll try a shorter delay maybe so that people can still read their score and not accidentally zoom past it, but if it's still found annoying no problem i'll make it skippable again ^^

Nope next upgrade won't be the last (i just didn't plan my versioning numbers well :p) although i'll try my best to avoid feature creep, what i plan to do is to still add a few things that are still missing (i'll quickly list it out for more clarity):

  • Want to add another "lose" condition, the city integrity or something similar so that player death is not the only game over
  • Got 2 "experimental" features that are opted out at the moment but that i'm testing.
    1) The attack's recharge triggered by killing ennemies (which the idea was given in feedback during the jam ^^) but i'm not sure about how it'll affect game balance so i'll probably restore it and see what players think and then decide if i should keep it or not accordingly.
    2) Destroyable ground, not an advanced destruction but having the blocks have their own integrity so that they can be destroyed and if no ground remains game over (but this could be problematic to defend from the shooting ennemies so i still need further testing before)
  • Might try out to have a player health instead of insta kill but this is something i gotta add and test to see if it doesn't break anything XD
  • Maybe have a proper menu screen with a "game start" and "quit game" features and a proper pause instead of the debug one i used to finally add screenshots to the game's page (better late than never :p)
  • Maybe try to have smoother transitions between scenes like a short fade effect or something
  • Finally since i'm mainly learning the code side of things, once i reach a functionnal state with every completed feature then i'll try to make a small graphical overhaul to have a bit cleaner sprites and everything.

So there you have it, still some things left to do, it goes a bit slow since i work on and off depending on how busy i get with mandatory IRL stuff, but i'll get there eventually :p in order not to confuse i'll probably have next update be a V0.9.1 cause i would consider a 1.0 to be something complete, and with this project i want to move on to other things once i feel this feels finished and i've learned enough to go into another project without the "hurdles" i've encountered (i know they'll be other ones but at least i progressed XD)

Sorry for the "wall of text" but hopefully this awnsers everything regarding the V0.9 stuff :)

Now, that's a lot of info! :D

For the delays I use: yield(get_tree().create_timer(1.0), "timeout") - where you can set the delays in seconds.

Glad to hear you still planning to work on it, this list have good ideas, good luck implementing all of them! :D

Yeah, I know it's not easy to manage time between developing and IRL stuff. My last update was like... (*checks log*)... 3 weeks ago... (*HOLY MOLY!*)... so... there's that... :D
(Although, I teased some goodies on Twitter, which got a positive response, so I promise/hope it's worth the wait... :D)

Haha yeah sorry bout that wall of text :p, anyway the delay fix is in the works with the newt update, working on and off again but it'll be there eventually XD

Yep i've used a few yield timers for some things in the code, like i said i'll try a shorter delay at first so that people don't skip and miss their score if it's under the high one and if it's still annoying i'll remove it altogether.

I'll still be working on it so that i can learn enough to cover every possible stuff i could need for other games and make this one a bit more of a complete and polished mini game, hopefully these ideas will help acheiving that :p

For sure it is XD delays for updates and replies everywhere but hey that's solo gamedev in a nutshell ! Haha well 3 weeks isn't that bad i mean you've done quite a lot all things considered :) cool to hear you got some positive feedback on twitter, not much of a social media person :( but i'll see what goodies you got planned when you update, and i'm sure it'll be worth the wait, afterall you do have googly eyes and bullet time XD

It's alright! :D

Yep, you can definitely learn a lot from doing mini projects, and you can reuse ideas, code snippets in bigger games later.

I'm not a social media person either, but I found Twitter very useful to engage with the indie community.

And, about the update... IT'S LIVE, FINALLY! :D