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Haha yeah sorry bout that wall of text :p, anyway the delay fix is in the works with the newt update, working on and off again but it'll be there eventually XD

Yep i've used a few yield timers for some things in the code, like i said i'll try a shorter delay at first so that people don't skip and miss their score if it's under the high one and if it's still annoying i'll remove it altogether.

I'll still be working on it so that i can learn enough to cover every possible stuff i could need for other games and make this one a bit more of a complete and polished mini game, hopefully these ideas will help acheiving that :p

For sure it is XD delays for updates and replies everywhere but hey that's solo gamedev in a nutshell ! Haha well 3 weeks isn't that bad i mean you've done quite a lot all things considered :) cool to hear you got some positive feedback on twitter, not much of a social media person :( but i'll see what goodies you got planned when you update, and i'm sure it'll be worth the wait, afterall you do have googly eyes and bullet time XD

It's alright! :D

Yep, you can definitely learn a lot from doing mini projects, and you can reuse ideas, code snippets in bigger games later.

I'm not a social media person either, but I found Twitter very useful to engage with the indie community.

And, about the update... IT'S LIVE, FINALLY! :D