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Welcome to Clone Drone in the Danger Zone's new nightmare!


can they be kicked?


also, Erik beat you to it xD


although i'm sure you're aware of that


Hehe, yeah I was in his dev stream earlier today. Just thought I'd get a neat gif of the Mark 3 :-)


Final version they won't be able to be kicked, and colliding hammers will probably knock back with a "stun" for both parties. Or at the very least both not landing either attack.


Name ideas (Other than simply "Hammer Bot":







Hercules (I dunno why, Hercules didn't have a hammer :P)


Brute Bot


Also, tell me there isn't a Jetpack variant of it.

PS: Please

PPS: Purdy please

PPPS: Actually, a Jetpack hammer robot would be challenging


just a jetpack bot is challenging xD


(Commentatron) But more human deaths means more Credits, I mean, more fun, and the Credits to buy a new Human Analyser for you, Analysis-Bot.


(Analysis-Bot) do you mean a human analizer?!?!?!? computing... ERROR! ERROR! ERROR!


(Commentatron) You'll not be replaced, we'll only remove half of your internal systems and replace them by a more advanced one... you'll be the same, but you'll be a better version, all of your clones have it!


(Analysis-Bot) my... my clones? but I am the best version


Hello from the future where we have flaming jetpack hammerbots




There is a not a jetpack hammer bot, but there is a FLAMING jetpack hammer bot (fire hammer)