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Superdillin rated a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.

I need you to know this game feels like it was made for me, specifically, I'm obsessed

Andre Rivera Art published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
Being a werewolf isn’t a common occurrence - and living with such a unique disposition in life can lead to a feeling of outcast or otherness. But not for you. You have The Club. Play as werewolves who find and build community in a vast mu...
A downloadable game.
efarrisgames published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
It's a dog eat dog world out there and Angie from the PTA has said some rude things about your brownies from the last bake sale. But unlike Angie, you know a few things about community. It's time to rally yours and prove your brownies are a...
KCMedia published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
Surviving Winter is about Lycanthropes trying to work together to survive the cold, keep fed and warm, and most important of all keeping The Beast Within from getting out. This game is still in progress being made, the end tables for scenar...
stormcaller3801 published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
You are a werewolf, and like all the stories say, when the moon turns full, you get a mite bit fuzzy. I’m not talking about the fur (although that happens too), I mean you wake up trying to figure out what exactly you got up to. Did you r...
Running Dog Games published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
YOU’RE SHAPESHIFTERS LIVING LIFE IN THE BIG CITY - and your animal forms are not particularly glamorous. Like it or not, you’ve learned to work together with other shifters (and local wildlife) to help keep each other safe from the city...
A downloadable game.
Mirrormoon is a solo game where you talk to The Moon In Winter, who is your reflection, give them words, let them shape you and you them, and embrace each other as you both become something different, something new. Become an animal in wint...
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