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Arm-ageddonView game page

Submitted by hhaak — 12 days, 3 hours before the deadline
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Hi! I thought Arm-ageddon played really smoothly. I struggled at first because I didn't go to the games page to find the controls. I couldn't figure out how to swap arms without reading the instructions. I spent some time pressing keys on the keyboard to try and do so. Perhaps ether having left mouse shoots one weapon and the right shoots the other or have the swap weapon on the keyboard? Besides that, it was really fun and I really enjoyed the music. Did yall make the music?


Thanks, we've gotten a lot of feedback about the way swapping arms works so we will probably go with the left mouse fires left and right mouse fires right.

Also yes, I made the music :)


I agree with what a lot of other people had to say already. I'd really like the ability to either machine gun down all the hoppy robots or blow them up with explosions please haha


4. One thing I noticed was the blue projectiles spawn to far ahead of the player, this was a issue if the player was to close to a wall, they are unable to fire the gun, despite not touching the wall

5. I liked the UI presentation, however it would be nice to see a health bar on the enemies or some sort of visual cue for how much health the enemy has, that way it gives the player a idea as to which enemies a player should be focusing on


Hey Guys! So I hoped right in without reading the instructions and ran around for a good 5 minutes with ease not really knowing what is going on. Even without any game knowledge I was able to avoid the enemies and survive for a few minutes. The enemies also kept jumping into the air randomly when I would walk around them without any sort of collision. The last thing I noticed was that the fire rate for the weapons was inconsistent. I dont know if that was on purpose or not but I thought id mention it. I like the concept of having the two arms as weapons. The movement felt smooth overall except the jump feels a little fast. The UI was simple and efficient I might make it slightly larger though so its easier to read. The positioning is great though. I like how you have menus that make it easier for the player to navigate as well. Great work guys!

1.At first I didn’t realize I had to go to the game page to find the instructions and lasted like a good ten seconds lol. Eventually I figured it out and the longest I survived ended up being around 3 minutes. Once I got the hang of it it wasn't too hard to last a while, but after all the guns are used there's nothing else to do. 

2. This is hard to say because at first it seemed like too many enemies, but as I learned how to play it felt easy to run away from them, making it easier to deal with that many. So I guess what I’d do is have them spawn in slower at the start but increase the number of enemies as the timer increases. 

3. I think you can keep it as swapping the arms, because if they were bound to different buttons I feel like I would have a harder time knowing which one is “equipped” and taking damage. So I think even if it takes a second to learn how to swap the arms it is fine because it doesn’t feel “unintuitive” or annoying, it is more a small challenge that the player works through when first getting to know the game. 

4. I liked the controls, especially jumping and movement felt smooth enough, however shooting the gun sometimes felt off, like it was hard to tell if I was actually doing damage to the robots or not. (Perhaps this could be fixed by adding different sound effects to the different guns?) Even though one was technically faster than the other both guns felt pretty similar so maybe adjust the way they work a little to make them feel more different? 

5. The UI made sense, although I would probably make the timer a little bigger so it feels more important. Also since the UI is the same colors as the background sometimes it feels like it blends in too much, so something like making the contrast higher might make it look nicer. Also because of that, sometimes I would stop paying attention to health bars and not realize I’m about to die, so similar suggestion but I think doing something like changing the health bar when the guns are almost about to break would be helpful. 

6. I kinda mentioned the UI in the previous question but other than that I think the art style was effective in its communication. The player and robots are clearly separated from the background. The guns before you pick them up are quite small, so maybe making them glow or something might help to make them be more obvious, but that’s a very minor complaint so overall I’d say it looks pretty good. 

7. Sometimes when jumping and landing on another robot you’d jump a little extra high, I’m not sure if that was intentional but it was kinda fun and made it easier to reach some of the higher platforms. Also sometimes it seemed like the guns wouldn’t always fire consistently which was a little more annoying.