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Team1's Lost and Found Game
Submitted by briyoon, MaxMinty, bflick, ljhill — 11 days, 8 hours before the deadline
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Hey guys! This game looks really great so far!

The abilities feel pretty intuitive, my only issue is with the time slow because I don't exactly see the benefit of it. I was able to go in and out of it with no problems though.

For the most part, the game looked incredible, the music is fun, and the wolves are intimidating. My only problem was that it felt sometimes like I would get stuck in a loop where I wouldn't be able to actually find my way to the next item. This happened mid gameplay once, but the other times it happened when I would die and hit the Replay button. Also, sometimes it would start me at the bottom of the room when I would walk from another room into the one with the tree stumps blocking the bottom path.

As far as making the game more fun,  I would just recommend adding an end screen with a little more payoff. Even just a screen with a picture of a rocket taking off would make the end of the game feel much more rewarding.


I really enjoy the music and the animations and movement feel super polished. I like the found-spaceship-part music! I didn't finish the game because I wasn't sure where to go haha. I really like the menu style and the character art-- very cool.  

I ran into a bug where I went down a path and was like stuck right out of view and one of the alien dog/cat creatures murdered me and I couldn't move or 'pac-man' my way to the next 'room'. 

There seems to be another bug where when you go through a left/right path you end up back at the bottom. Is that intentional? Like a start over? 

Really love the see-through alien character with floating eyeball haha. 

I think more developed combat/slow-motion/item-interaction and level generation will make this game shine.