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A member registered Feb 24, 2022

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1. The dash feels pretty good, but after a while it seemed like the dash stopped moving and just had you kneel down. I'm not sure if that was intentional for heavily injured players or a bug.

2. The enemies feel good. I think facing 3+ would be a challenge, but not impossible.

3. Personally, it felt like the stamina ran out too fast. I would do a few moves, then have to back off and wait, or I would not realize I was out of stamina and just get hit over and over by the enemies. Some of that I'm  sure is my fault, but a bit of a buff to the stamina might go a long way.   

1) The speed feels pretty good, and so does the jump. But the jump has you going very high compared to the height of the trees. It was helpful in traversing the hills in the area though.

2) It feels a little cluttered, and running through the forest it's kind of hard to see where you are going.

3) The throwing looks correct, and I didn't have problems aiming. I did have problems figuring out which buttons would let you interact with the logs though.

4) A night counter and fire meter sound good. I would also suggest a health bar for your character.

5) Feedback when you attack a bear would be good, and of course an indicator to show whether the log you've thrown at the fire has helped at all.

1. I think there's a bit too much force when the grappling hook pulls you up. I was able to use it to fling myself upward, where I could double jump and just go flying. A cooldown might make it more difficult, but it could slow down gameplay depending on when the cooldown starts. I could see a cooldown from the moment you send out the grappling hook being good, as it will stop you from just spamming your way to the top.

2. Maybe some falling rocks/candy might be good, and parts of the wall that you can't grapple so you have to be more careful how you climb.

3. It's too slow. I was able to go so far ahead that when I decided to fall, it took a solid 3-5 seconds to find the milk.

1. The length of the days felt pretty good overall considering the current number of activities to do. I made it to day 6.

2. I think the oxygen supply is good. It's not a huge issue most of the time, but if you don't pay attention it can become a huge problem.

3. The controls are pretty intuitive. A quick note: your instructions say you shoot with right click but it's actually left click. My biggest problem with the controls was just finding the right way to activate them. For the steering, I could do it once, but it was hard to tell whether I should be able to do it again or how long I would have to wait between steering (side note, I love the graphic that plays when you steer). Also with the fire extinguisher, I had trouble knowing how close I had to be to the fire to be able to use it. I think having a spray animation or something will make that pretty easy to figure out though.

4. The enemies are a good difficulty if the goal is to make them a distraction rather than a challenge. Having to shoot enemies took about the same time and concern it would take to deal with the other problems. If they're meant to be more intimidating, then I'd say you could up their damage a bit.

5. The item drop rate feels good. It's a nice boost after an attack, though sometimes I end up with more health than I need. 

6. I think adding more animations and sprites will clear up some of the confusion as to when things can be done. My biggest concern would be indicating when you are or aren't allowed to do a certain action in some way (see question 3). Overall the game already feels good, it's just a matter of making it clear what you're doing.

7.  I'd say the difficulty was around a 7. I only made it to day 6, and I think with some practice I could make it much farther. But the constraints of the different emergencies you have to handle keep you moving, and I think it'll definitely keep you from just playing forever.

Hey guys! This game looks really great so far!

The abilities feel pretty intuitive, my only issue is with the time slow because I don't exactly see the benefit of it. I was able to go in and out of it with no problems though.

For the most part, the game looked incredible, the music is fun, and the wolves are intimidating. My only problem was that it felt sometimes like I would get stuck in a loop where I wouldn't be able to actually find my way to the next item. This happened mid gameplay once, but the other times it happened when I would die and hit the Replay button. Also, sometimes it would start me at the bottom of the room when I would walk from another room into the one with the tree stumps blocking the bottom path.

As far as making the game more fun,  I would just recommend adding an end screen with a little more payoff. Even just a screen with a picture of a rocket taking off would make the end of the game feel much more rewarding.

Hey guys, this game is great so far!

The movement felt really good and I felt like I had good control over the character's movement. The only problem I had was with some of the hitboxes when you're standing right next to a block by your head. I also couldn't find a way to get onto the second level unless theres a double jump mechanic or something else that I'm missing.

As for the camera, I didn't think there was anything wrong with it. It seemed to follow well and it gives you ample warning of the obstacles coming ahead.

Other than that, I loved the animations and the designs for the level, and overall it felt really good to play. Nice job!