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Are we told when and where the bundle will be available?

A topic by Kouda Ha created 48 days ago Views: 415 Replies: 5
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Hi everyone, I submitted to the jam and I was just wondering when and where the bundle to buy will be made available?

I wish to buy it myself, and to also share the bundle about so others can buy and support it.


probably delayed til itch gets a backbone. itch has been slow to work with other charity bundles the last few couple big ones.


I've been trying to get in touch with itchio for several weeks to get this bundle started, and have heard nothing back yet. I apologize for the frustration, and I promise to update you as soon as I hear back!


No such luck yet? Itch is really dragging its feet...


Yeah y'all aren't the only people having this issue it seems

Are they still being slow?