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Marble FaceView game page

Investigate one building in Budapest, where cultist summon “Marble Face".
Submitted by beholder_xp — 1 hour, 58 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 6 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How did you choose to implement the Theme: Eldritch Abomination in your game?
One of the respectable citizens of Budapest called into our world an inexplicable creature, a thief of faces and a spoiler of choice “Marble Face”

Did you implement any of the optional Bonus Challenges, and if so, which ones?
Your task, as a policeman who arrived at the sound of gunfire, is to inspect the crime scene, collect evidence, and detain a suspicious neighbor, while remaining “without losing a face".
So, you are catching a single cultist among Hungarians, you gather evidence and try not to look into those, who lost their faces.

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Overall, the game was good.  The ambient sounds and mood was decent.  I enjoyed exploring the building and finding clues.  It was nice and short, as expected of a game jam entry.

There were a few issues in the windows version though:

I'm not sure why you added a second top down perspective.  It started glitching as soon as I entered the building and later just showed me the car park, which wasn't helpful.  Personally, I think it breaks immersion, which is important in a horror game.

The dialogue text started flickering, so I couldn't read it properly.

The collision detection on the stairs is off.  I kept getting caught on it.


Thanks for playing the game and for your time to reply!

top down perspective.
It's monster's point of view, you can see yourself through their eyes, like you are being watched. It supposed to create an uneasy atmosphere. and see them early and get the  information where do you need to go. This thing is the corner stone of the whole game "someone is watching".

It started glitching as soon as I entered the building and later just showed me the car park, which wasn't helpful. 

That's bad,
1)on a parking it's faceless women's point of view,
2)On the road it's faceless man's point of view.
3)And inside the house it's the Marble face's point of view.
4)After you deal with The Marble Face, it show your car, to remind you where do you need to go and how to end the game.
If you see Camera 4 right after entering building its a huge bug. I just double checked it, and couldn't replicate it.

The dialogue text started flickering, so I couldn't read it properly.
Absolutely true. To get this bug go to a cop to activate dialogue trigger, then step away, then return to him.

The collision detection on the stairs is off.  I kept getting caught on it.
Collision for the railing on stairs is a real boss of the game. I knew about this one, but couldn't fix it.


Love the overall creepy tone and sense of unease throughout.

The split screen perspectives is also a very cool design choice.

Found the controls to be a bit clunky in spots as I was getting caught on edges when navigating up the stairs or moving between rooms, but would love to see that tweaked and refined as the rest of the game was fun to experience.

Great entry.


Thanks for the reply! This stairs and its collisions gave me more nightmares than anything else on this Jam Themed Horror.
So i changed player's collision shape to a bean, and he started to get stucked on the railing edge, I reduce the collision shape of that railing so much, that you can fall through, but still get stuck, this is the true indescribable horror.


Short and sweet, you got to the point I’m a very effective way.  But I too had some performance issues on a system with a 4080, dropped below 10 fps a lot of the time.


Thanks for the reply. I developed on a notebook with AMD Ryzen 7 6800 and Nvidia RTX 3050. I have a lag spike only in the beginning as I press play, but that's it. Jams and sologamedev reduce the potential amount of gametesters to only one.


I totally understand, still loved it though :)

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

I really like the atmosphere of your game and the BGM is nice.  I like the 2 perspectives you made with the camera . But when I played it, the framerate is pretty low (15-20 fps). And as SinisterLaugh said, the game is a bit short for a game like this. Anyway, you did a great job! GG!
PS: I used an Acer Nitro 5


Thanks for the reply. About frame rate: its a 3d Godot and the gamedev is a bad programmer(it's me, i can't code to save my life). So I had to either remove second person view or separate the whole buildings in a separate loading screens to increase the productivity. But the whole point was to use the few viewports and because of that, i can't find a way to use a godot culling. I code myself into a corner, and the lack of playtesters is a standard for a jam situation.


Oh! I understand now. Don't worry, it's normal not to think about optimization during a game jam. I hope you will polish the game even after the game jam.


My comments on the game as a non-designer and a somewhat old-school gamer:

Game is rather short (won't take you more than 10 minutes on the 1st playthrough, even if you struggle to figure out where to go first). Afaik, this is the first draft of a larger project, so it is pretty straightforward for now - get to the place, do the job, the rest of apartment building has not much of interest.

I liked the multiple ending approach, depending on how thorough you search the apartments. Player controls are rather clunky, which makes it hard to combat threats. In my opinion this adds perfectly to the horror element =) but might be frustrating at times.

I like the visual look of the game - simplistic but neat. Color palette and lighting choices create a nice creepy atmosphere, along with eerie music.

Story is just enough for a short game.  Eldritch abomination looks good, imo the best visual in the game, kinda wanted to see more of it being used in different scenes.

Overall a nice short horror (survival horror?) game. Will be checking for updates in the future, in case the game gets an expansion or smth.


Thanks for the reply!
I am 90% sure I will not expand on the Marble Face project.
This piece of a pie was too ambitious for me to chew. Good neighbors as witnesses and bad as cultists, arrest and dialogue systems, proceduraly generated clues placement and case building conclusion, all unique apartments and flooded basement, confrontation with Marble face and different ways to deal with him, etc.
So much was planned, but 2 weeks I spent with Budapest building and street building in Trenchbroom and one week with different characters (and only one human left in the final game). So I left with only 1 week to build detective character, cameras, writing, logic etc. And due to different viewports obscure culling was useless, therefore low framerate on anything other than quantum PCs. I code myself into a corner.

Yeah, seems like a lot for one dev with limited time. I still enjoyed playing the released game, so keep up the good work)