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A member registered Dec 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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I appreciate the compliments and feedback! I usually don't love the full on adult stuff, but I do try and include a little bit. I do think in the Spicy version of Residents of Evilville I Included 2 or 3 scenes with it included, but I always try and do at least one of them per game :)

I did make one I just haven't; set up the tiers and everything yet.  I'll probably be doing that after these next few projects are done ;)

When you get a chance would you be able to send a screenshot? I'll take a look at it.

The part where you first meet Tiana? If so , they yeah I'm fixing that part so the bust doesn't show u[ properly. I'll have that fixed in the next version :)

Which scene is it?

Damn straight it is haha.

Thank you very much, I appreciate that!

Thank you very much  but what other site are you referring too?

Thank you very much! It’s been a long art journey I’m happy you like it :)

Thank you so much! I've been practicing a lot in terms of art and game development so I hope it shows :)

The time has come!

Haha thanks, hope you enjoy it!

Overall it should have a little more than 40 CG’s so I hope you enjoy the art :)

Thank! I’ve been having a blast working on it :)

That's a weird glitch! I'll check it out and get it fixed :)

It seems to be an issue some people are having now, I'll have to look into it. I could have sworn I had already fixed it :p

Hey that sounds cool! I'm working with godot right now trying to learn the basics :)

For future games maybe, but not as of right now.

Possibly in the future but as of right now for ROE there will be no Mac.

Sorry as of right now I can only do PC. Possibly in future games!

Yup you can pledge whenever and get access to the spicy version. When you sign up just check the pinned message on the front page of my Patreon for the link. 

It has almost all the scenes in the normal game extended out with adult scenarios  such as nudity and other NSFW goodies :). It also has some extra scenes that just couldn’t be censored out in the normal version.

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I could always export the standard android version from RPG maker but I can’t guarantee it’ll work.

Are you on the non spicy version? That’s weird I’ll take a look at it and fix it for next patch.

I’ll have that fixed in the next patch, a stupid little bug I forgot to remove.

Thanks for the kind words! To play the Spicy version all you have to do is download and play it. Both version are completely different :)

You should be able to just drag and drop your save files in the new version :)

Both. But in worst case scenario at most a week delay for the spicy version,  but I highly doubt it.

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I’m gonna finish it after I finish up Residents of Evilville :)

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Unfortunately I had to remove it since it caused so many bugs.  It was one of my favorite mechanics,  so hopefully I can create a less buggy version in the future!

Also I love your username 😂

Thanks for all the compliments! I really went pretty hard with atmosphere on this game but I was still rather new to gamedev. Hopefully when I remake it the creepy vibes are even better :)

I never finished it sadly, however when I remake everything you'll get to see how it ends :)

Nope, just one time and you're good!

As once you pay once you get the link forever including updates :)

That's what I was going for! Thanks for that :). I'm redoing the whole game, so I'll post updates when I have news.

As for now yes, only the $10 tier (not 15) allows access to the adult version.

You didn’t come off as rude, I m just happy you enjoyed the game enough to want a gallery. With Hostage Hotel I’ll be remaking it, and with the remake I’ll be adding a gallery!

I don’t really have any plans to sell it on Itchio. Maybe far in the future, we’ll have to see. 

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That’s an odd one, I’ll have to look into that this week and get back to you. It’s probably something with the dialogue box, hopefully.

I haven't completed Hostage hotel yet, the only games that have Spicy version at the moment are Residents of Evilville and parts of The Ninth Street Bus. I'll make a post when Hostage Hotel is being worked on again.

As once you pledge it should be the second or third post down. If you’re still having issues send me a message on Patreon and I’ll send you the link.