Notes from gameplay:
- Basic but clean main menu
- Nice music and ambient noise
- Nice note about zooming with a feature to zoom in on
- Creepy surprise when I got to the books and turned around! Definitely gave me a jump scare!
- Graphics are not very cohesive. We have high-def grass, flat hedge maze, handwritten notes. Unifying these more would improve the visual presentation
- I like the story we're being drip fed!
- At the lake, uh oh, I saw fire lady duck behind a house... Nice breadcrumb to get me to come back to see the change
- Chester cheater posters are effective!
- Falling books was great effect!
- Excellent job introducing mechanics and then having them immediately be relevant to gameplay, great way to reinforce to the player how they are used
- Nice effect with the warping camera during sprint! Changing the music to exciting chase music works great here.
- Burning planks are a bit hard to steer through with the camera angle
- Not sure what I'm supposed to be doing in the fireball scene. I've tried standing both in and outside of the red circles but keep getting hit by fireballs. Dunno how to kill Chester!
Nice use of narrative, control tutorials and sound to create a game with some effective jumpscares!
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