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A downloadable game.
SirBarac updated a game 268 days ago
A downloadable game.
2 new uploads:
Folk Fighters Legend_v1.1_character sheet.pdf 3.9 MB
Folk Fighters Legend_v1.1.pdf 8.5 MB
SirBarac updated a game 269 days ago
A downloadable game.
Updated page content.
2 new uploads:
Ora et Labora_v1.1_character sheet.pdf 1.5 MB
Ora et Labora_v1.1.pdf 3.4 MB
Alessio Posar published a game 269 days ago
A downloadable game.
The world is ending and the Hero is believed to be its last hope. Will they defeat the Dark Lord or will they condemn the world? Doomquest into Darkness is a narrative roleplaying game for two inspired by Howard and Moorcock where one playe...
LunarPsi published a game 269 days ago
A downloadable game.
Tabletop myths is a tabletop Roleplaying game where a group take the role of heroes with mythic ability. Should be fairly compatible with 5e (just be aware of the difference in power if you use the material together). Cover Image Found here...
SirBarac published a game 273 days ago
A downloadable game.
Un simpatico RPG dove teneri e pacioccosi monaci si scoprono devastanti macchine di morte - o meglio, di passaggio alle meravigliose terre immortali - per difendere il loro Credo. O anche soltanto per non dover tornare a zappare la terra, f...
SirBarac published a game 273 days ago
A downloadable game.
Un gioco dove persone comuni, cittadini e contadini di un reame un tempo pacifico, prendono la situazione nelle loro mani e diventano leggendari protettori dei propri simili, di fronte alle gravi minacce che sembrano incombere sulla nazione...
Trasimaco published a game 307 days ago
A downloadable game.
This is Charge Of Hope , my RPG for the Game Jam Tactical Heroic Cinematic Fantasy Gamedesign-Jam , hosted by Little Lab . The game is based on Charge , a system created by Fari RPG . In this game, you are a Hero recruited by the Hero Guild...