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wym_lawson published a game 29 days ago
A downloadable game.
Laboratory [Redacted] is a one page solo storytelling game. You play as a lone urban explorer, exploring an abandoned structure. There is no health or stress or a countdown. The game focuses on using the environment to tell a story. Your go...
Fractured Pawn published a game 29 days ago
A downloadable game.
your lucky stars is a simple 12 word rpg about making/exploring a constellation. you can journal your discovery or live in the moment. roll the dice to determine your constellation layout, celestial objects, and give it a narrative if you w...
Fractured Pawn published a game 30 days ago
A downloadable game.
you play as quite the forgetful adventurer (maybe your int roll wasn't that great) who can’t remember where they turned….but that doesn't stop your love of going into and exploring dungeons. It just so happens that this dungeon is a bit...
toribee published a game 30 days ago
A downloadable game.
Baby, you’re a haunted house, and you’ve got a unique mission. In this solo TTRPG, you are a sentient home filled with living residents and restless spirits. Help the ghosts move on by fulfilling their needs for Closure, Rest, or Reveng...
toribee published a game 30 days ago
A downloadable game.
Embark on an epic quest as a demi-god striving to earn your place among the immortal pantheon. Each chapter of your journey is fraught with challenges and opportunities, determined by the pages of the book you read. Even-numbered chapters g...
Msboy_20 published a game 31 days ago
A downloadable game.
Captivating Opening Sentence: Your game description should kick off with a zinger—a one-sentence hook that encapsulates the essence of your game. This zinger serves two purposes: Catch the eye of targeted players. Rule out players who won...
polyhedralmice published a game 33 days ago
A downloadable game.
6:23pm: PC, I may need you to cover Casey’s call-in show tonight. I’ll let you know in plenty of time- Your favorite Station Manager 8:02pm: PC, please call me as soon as you can, Casey had a small emergency and her advice show is in...
KingDunnad published a game 40 days ago
A downloadable game.
A two page TTRPG about being a big kaiju on your way to get sushi who doesn't want to step on any humans. This game only needs a d6 and somewhere to write. Content Warning: This game has you as a big monster trying not to step on any people...
polyhedralmice published a game 41 days ago
A downloadable game.
Congratulations, you found a rock! Figure out if it’s igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic, identify its exact type, record it in your field journal, and learn how awesome it is! Require to play: 1d6, 1d20, paper, and a writing implement...
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