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A jam submission

the stars are moving, even without youView project page

submission for redline composing challenge, the theme was "one piano"
Submitted by soop — 8 hours, 38 minutes before the deadline
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the stars are moving, even without you

I took slight inspiration from the picture theme, i imagined a scene where a character was introduced by some godlike figure to all the knowledge of the universe, which in turn is like blowing their mind or something like that. So I made the piece all over the place, with some parts being slow and beautiful and others being chaotic and confusing. I kind of just went at it to be honest lol

Plugins used
foundations piano (clean) with the built in reverb

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Very beautiful composition, totally succeeding in story taling


Nice piece! I like how it's attention grabbing by having contrasting moments in terms of energy and different textures, there are a lot of good stuff going on. I think my main concern regarding the composition is that while there are a lot of good things there might be a bit too much new and less development. It's for sure possible to make the first roughly 40 seconds into a 3-minute piece alone. As it is now it feels a bit "improvisish". There are some parts where the music goes off and creates energy which is really nice and contrasting it with the slower/softer parts helps create a nice drama. However, I wish that there would be a part where you'd let the music go free. For example, at around 1:07, this part is really beautiful and I wish this part would be set free. As of now, it gets cut off almost interuptet which is not always a bad thing but maybe build up the tension again and then let the music go free. A very effective way to create a longer coherent piece is to tease the climax by starting it and interrupting it. Maybe set the music free at 1:48 and then end up in a bombastic last climax was my first thought. In that case, planning out when to let the music be free is a good way to stay coherent, get a red thread throughout the piece, and build a nice drama.

For the programming/mix/producing I think playing around a bit more with velocity/pedaling/staccato vs legato could add a lot of diversity. Don't read into my comment too much since it's just my current thoughts.

Overall a great job in creating a piece that is engaging to listen to and I love your approach to a more dramatic piece!


Thanks! Yeah, the piece is all over the place at times, I feel the same way. I plan to make multiple songs out of these little parts


The way this composition builds drama and tension is really compelling and engaging, and I like how well it supports the narrative you set up. I also really like how you used a variety of different figurations and techniques on the piano to create a diverse palette of textures throughout the piece. The only things for me are, the volume is sometimes a bit low, and I think this piece, after all of that drama and tension you build, could have an even more impactful ending. Great job though, I enjoyed it a lot!


Thank you! I do see that I need to improve the volume, I'm going to continue writing this piece after I get feedback and will definitely try messing with the volume. I wish I could've developed the ending more but I ran out of time D:


woah this is beautiful! especially love the part at 1:07 with that (chromatic i think) descending bassline :0
the only thing i can really say is that at times it gets too quiet/too loud, other than that great work!!


Thanks! the descending (yeah its chromatic) part is also my favorite, when I continue writing this piece I will definitely expand that part.


I like the story you went with. That helps to understand the back and forth of the piece. I really enjoyed 1:06-1:30 - it has the running quality to it that had some dramatic energy.


Thank you for your feedback!


Sounds like a beautiful improvisation, I liked the end, and some of the transition parts were really well done. For me the tempo automation was a bit much, it works great in some places, for me the rhythm got interrupted too often though.

Developer (1 edit)

While I love most of the transitions and the contrast of parts, I do agree that some of the transitions could be changed. Thanks for the feedback!


I could barely hear some parts even with my volume really high which was a little annoying.

I really liked how much you toyed with the tempo. especially at 1:07 when it speeds up instantly. That also has my favorite part melodically.


Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I never realized how quiet the youtube video was compared to the mp3. I might try to resubmit with a different video.


Resubmitted the video with better audio quality + higher volume