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A jam submission

Foam & AshesView game page

A short Action/Adventure game made for the Minimalistic Jam
Submitted by missingrooster (@missingrooster) — 11 minutes, 21 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
What would you rate this submission?#133.2003.200
How minimalistic was it?#134.0004.000

Ranked from 10 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I like your style. A hero made of firefighting foam is utterly fantastic and lent itself well to the theme. I also liked your graphics, animation and colour scheme.

Movement and shooting could use some tweaking. I died a few times because I didn't realize that ammo/health was so limited. It was hard to distinguish whether I had 3/4 hp and 1/2 hp. I had fun initially but got frustrated with the gameplay after a few levels.


Thanks so much for the detailed feedback! Yeah I took the theme a bit too literally and went with a Minimalist philosophy when I was brainstorming, and kind of missed the point of the exercise by putting too much effort into the aesthetics.

Since this is my first finished(ish) project I'm kind of attached to it and want to expand it in the future, fix the issues and weird word choice and tighten up the gameplay, so I really appreciate you taking the time to give some good directions on where to start. Cheers!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

The animation was good and I liked that you added a story. I also liked the idea of ammo being your health. What I didn't like the shooting though, it was too difficult to tell when I could or couldn't hit stuff. I understand the arc was probably intentional, but the perspective makes it difficult to use. Improve the shooting and you've got a neat game!


Thanks for the feedback! I definitely felt that way about the shooting too, and also I didn't do a sign check on it, so when firing towards the left they fly about 50% further than when facing right. Maybe I'll give the projectile a bigger collision mask or something to make it a bit easier to hit things. I guess this is what happens when you try to put too much in a one week game - rookie mistake.