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cowboybob published a game 212 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
You booked your stay through a reputable site. There were some rules like stay in your room and don't touch anything. The reviews weren't the best but we've seen some tough spots how bad could it be? If you're stuck: Movement: W, S, A, D Ac...
ThatOneUnityDev published a game 212 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
---CONTROLS Interact: E Move: A/D Jump: Space UI: Mouse --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Play as a young boy, who's looking for his dog. Tales from below is a short horror experience, m...
A browser game made in HTML5.
Migjam 14 entry, colab with Setzor Your parents are away at a Halloween party and left you responsible for handing out candy to trick-or-treaters. There's only one problem... your over active imagination. Your gun takes ammo and batteries...