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Your Health Bar is a Weapon?!View project page

For Beth and Angel's Ludum Praxi Jam!
Submitted by The Librarian — 6 days, 17 hours before the deadline
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I wanted to leave a thing for Beth and Angel to read on stream.

Hi girls! Hi everybody watching! I'm YouTube Famous now!

Dont judge me too harshly on this work. As I mention, it was made in about 15 minutes half asleep at 7am the day after it was announced. 🤣 But the basic idea was (in a sleepy, half-drunk-sounding voice) "When is a health bar more than a health bar... Gasp! When it's a WEAPON! Hilarity ensues!"

So yeah... Maybe not my best work. Might even be my dumbest idea. But knowing folks resonated and immediately had ideas from it, and that vibed with the silly nature... I take pride in that!

Have fun with my little half-baked oddity! Lots of love!


What a novel rule! Sounds ripe for hilarity


This is such a creative and wonderful idea! It would be a perfect character perk for anyone playing a toon, fey or insane character 😁 I adore the double-edged aspect of this. 

The GM in me really wants to roll up a BBEG that uses this just as the players think they have it cornered lol 

Well done!!!


Thank you!! ^^ It was a spur of the moment, half-asleep idea, but it makes me proud to see even the GM in you finding value in it!


This would be perfect for a Loony Tunes adventure. How could Buggs not smack Sam with his own health bar?


A fun little idea, I've definitely been in a campaign where something wacky like this could have been layered in.