Adding an extra layer to Yahtzee - already a fun vibe - is such an inspired idea! And gives a very Legends and Lattes/Broken Cask feel that I cannot help but fall head over heels for. Well done, love!
Once again, Beth Jackson and Angelique Drummond provide a cute little inspirational piece. You both continue to have a positive impact on me and everyone you come into contact with, and for that I say thank you!
I ADORE this entire concept. Any excuse to add immersion to a roleplaying game, and any excuse further to have player characters connect and bond with one another! And done so beautifully too! Bravo!
I love this idea! And immediately love the demo! I'd like to study this more in depth but I'm a bit low on funds. Trade a full review for a Community Copy?
This sounds RIGHT up my alley, but finances are tight at present. Any chance for Community Copies in the near future? I'll leave a good word in exchange!
That's valid. I intended for the game to be more on the difficult side, but this is good, solid feedback. I'll keep this in mind for any future projects like this.