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TheNotorious published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
You are in charge of a floating factory, in an ocean of exploding suicide sharks. It is your job to defend your ship from these sharks, and export your goods. Your ship is armed with a bomb dropper. Drop these bombs on the attacking explodi...
DreamnSkull published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
A bullet hell where you dodge water and complete the levels. made for jame gam 2021. Made entirely with PYTHON AND PYGAME, used some art assets though.
dwursteisen published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
A water wall is behind you! You need to run as far as you can! ⎵ to change lane ← and → to move - The game starts when you start moving - The game stop when you touch a bomb or the water wall - The game was created in less than 3 hour...
proTaleDev published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
This game was made for the "Jame Gam" with a theme of "Highly flammable/explosive" and an special feature "totally normal water" in 5 days. You are part of a group of dungeon conquers called the soul corps division and your job is to destro...
FunSizedPopcorn published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game.
This short game was made in 5 days for the "Jame Gam" with a theme of "Highly flammable/explosive" and an added requirement of "totally normal water." All of the art assets and code were made by me
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Added platforms Windows, macOS, Linux.
3 new uploads: 62 MB 65 MB
Explodin-linux-prototype2.AppImage 69 MB
Darel_Rockmedia published a game 3 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
You carry a bomb that explodes in contact with water. You have to dodge and escape from the water and manage to take the bomb to her security capsule! Llevas una bomba que explota cuando toca el agua. Esquiva y escapa del agua y lleva la bo...