Rating games based on judge categories just for fun
I don't remember ever seeing a game with these kind of RTS mechanics done with only one controllable unit. Its pretty unique. I have one big issue with the gameplay however. It lacks a good sense of progression. I can see the steps by looking at the forge, but for a new player is is far too easy to get lost (what is this icon and what does it represent? Is the red mine copper, or is it the brown one. Why does my pickaxe needs to be steel to be able to mine gold? Stuff like that), not to mention that the AI is very unforgiving. If you are unprepared and one of them comes to you equipped, you are done for. The game has combat, but it feels more like a forging race since the first one to build up wins, essentially. I found it really weird that you had to drag and drop after gathering a resource, instead of it just going to your inventory if you had space available
Looks neat. Reminds me a lot of Age of Empires and the like. UI icons and descriptions are super small and hard to read, but otherwise everything looks nice. Music can feel repetitive after a while, specially since matches last for a considerable amount of time. The lack of sound (and sometimes visual) feedback when you are unable to gather a resource is one of the reasons why it is so easy to get lost in the game
[13/20] -> Doubled to 26
RTS is a genre that is already pretty difficult for most people to get into, so you had a pretty big challenge in your hands with this category. Sadly, the gameplay issues, player movement speed and game length with no real change to the dynamics of the gameplay will make most people drop the game after building a tool or two (or after being decimated by the AI)
The idea has potential, but I wonder if it would have been better with multiple controllable units instead (with buildings to construct said units, and you character as a special commander unit or something). This needs a lot of polish in the gameplay department (and a little bit in presentation), but the core ideas are solid
Total: 51/100 (3 Stars)
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