B rank here ! Shooting felt good and the sounds feedbacks helped a lot, they are well suited and crunchy enought to create the urge to spam the shoot button. Maybe having some ennemies behaving in different manner could help to have some diversity in the situations.
Visuals stays true to that old school railshooter feeling.
I think this made a solid base to expand upon, congrats !
Yeah on the enemy variants I want to do that for sure! I was able to make a quick attempt with the crawling guys near the end but they ended up squirming about unintentionally haha.
Nice approach to a rail shooter! Definitely an interesting genre to tackle for the jam and something a little bit different from the norm. Now this is a genre that hasn't been explored in a long time!
As it's a prototype, just some design thoughts that could really help the game come along:
The enemy spawns need a certain degree of continuity with the progression and sense of space. This means that enemies coming from a side you've just cleared, or a dead-end, don't make much sense. Try and spawn enemies from the side of the level where the player hasn't been or the camera hitherto hasn't exposed yet.
Given that everything's on rails, including the camera, timing is key. It's important to absolutely nail a few things: the time the enemies appear, the reaction time the player has before the enemies shoot, the time before the player would be overwhelmed, and the time between clearing the enemies and the camera moving on.
The animation looks great, but for an additional challenge, consider having a different death animation for the head to make the models behave differently and add an extra incentive for the player to pull of headshots!
I hope you keep going with this! I had a blast playing it :)
For the enemy spawn locations I'm considering a mix of logical and illogical places for them to be since from memory the light gun games I've played used both, i.e. spawning from behind pillars/crates and opening doors/windows in the level to exit or shoot from. I think I partially did this at least with the corridor spawns.
With timing I will have to try and get some mates to play test and watch how they do. Repeatedly playing this by myself led me to have the number of clicks needed to pass an area ingrained on my finger lol. But yeah for an end product the flow will be important.
Different animations depending on where the enemy is shot is something that I do want to look into a lot. Even if it is for another project it is something I want to learn eventually.
B rank here ! Shooting felt good and the sounds feedbacks helped a lot, they are well suited and crunchy enought to create the urge to spam the shoot button. Maybe having some ennemies behaving in different manner could help to have some diversity in the situations.
Visuals stays true to that old school railshooter feeling.
I think this made a solid base to expand upon, congrats !
Yeah on the enemy variants I want to do that for sure! I was able to make a quick attempt with the crawling guys near the end but they ended up squirming about unintentionally haha.
Thanks for you feedback :)
Nice approach to a rail shooter! Definitely an interesting genre to tackle for the jam and something a little bit different from the norm. Now this is a genre that hasn't been explored in a long time!
As it's a prototype, just some design thoughts that could really help the game come along:
I hope you keep going with this! I had a blast playing it :)
Cheers for the feedback!
LOL, haven't played a rail shooter in a while, so had some fun there!
However, imo if you are going to do a rail shooter, better camera movement and angles are key. Maybe try looking into smoothing curves :)
Yeah that's true it does have some jank to it but I just hadn't gone point to point to tweak them all. Something to think about for sure.
Thanks for the feedback :)