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A jam submission

The lost island of beautiful plantsView game page

Fill and empty island with plants in a VR game
Submitted by Cranile — 13 minutes, 37 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Fun factor - How much fun was the entry to play.#103.4623.462
Theme incorporation - How well did the entry fit the theme.#123.8463.846
Originality - How original was the entry.#123.4623.462
User experience - How well was the user interaction implemented.#143.0773.077
Haptics - Did the entry make good use of haptics?#211.4621.462
Audio - Did the entry make good use of audio?#222.6152.615

Ranked from 13 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • Good base for a game, definitely has promise.
  • This was a lot of fun - trying to work out which plants would cross-pollinate to make the new breeds.

Godot version used

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comfy environment, if a little spooky (not sure if intentional). I like how well the xr-tools holsters and pickups work out of the box. The gameplay reminds me of the hours I've spent planting stuff in the Valheim VR mod; it works similarly, with some other mechanics (can't plant things too close together).


Thanks for playing my game!! the spookines wasn't intentional at all lmao, altho i did got the same feeling from it, i think is the fog + lighting i used not being the best.

Jam HostSubmitted(+1)

I got a false-positive detection of `Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml`. Reading online indicated this is a common false-positive. I downloaded anyway and submitted the files to VirusTotal and everything looks clean.


Oh damn, im not sure why that is, windows defender in my machine doesn't show any problems, and i haven't received complaints from other people :(
I apologize for the inconvenience, i hope u still enjoyed the game.


After got the corn I was not able to get more plants. Put a lot of plants together makes easy generate new seeds?


I was putting a big group of the "most advanced" seeds together along with a few of the early game plants to generate new seeds. I don't know what the trick was, but that worked for me.


Hey, thanks for playing! Bunching plants together is not the best strategy, since plants disappear when combined so there is a high chance already know combinations will happen over and over. I will improve the combination system in the postjam version.


Fun game! The speed with which seeds appear makes it feel kind of like a clicker, including the addictiveness. :-) I was impressed with how many different kinds of plants you included! Several times I thought I must have seen them all, just before some new kinds spawned. Great work!


Thanks for playing! I didn't intend to make a clicker but it is an interesting path to follow.
Im glad you felt the sense of discovery :D i will try to add some more feedback when discovering new plants to make it even better!


I recorded my playthrough


I could only find how to make 4 seeds so far ^^ Nice game, chill environment!


Thanks for playing! yeah some of the combinations ended up a bit weird and hard to get. I will work on some hinting system in the future to help people out, thanks for the feedback!!!