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Unpaid Care WorkView game page

Play as a housewife, feed your cats and kids, maintain order and keep the place tidy. Get no payment though.
Submitted by Frontend Pashtet (@drxwat), Gamago — 4 hours, 7 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 34 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version


Game Description
Play as a housewife, feed your cats and kids, maintain order and keep the place tidy. Get no payment though.

Discord Username
drxwat, Gamago

Participation Level (GWJ only)
First time

Participation Level across all Jams
Second Jam

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Good game! Really got me thinking, I have 4 brothers. Taking care of the house doesn't have easy mode. It's fun and makes a good use of the theme, good job!


Really liked the idea. It is the first committed game I see; huge bonus point.

I also liked the fact that you add that list of parameters to allow the player to custom your game's difficulty, really cool!

Other than that, the controls are correct, I didn't see any bug/glitch.

Thus, it is a pretty solid submission, congratulations!


1. I love the joke of "any setting is just a variation of "Hard", and "Flee from the Problems EXIT". In fact, most of the jokes in this main menu made me chuckle; but also made me wince in genuine sadness.

2. There was a bad moire effect on the wooden floor; which was very distracting. I'm not sure if this was intentional; or a visual bug of being displayed on a TV.

3. Overall visual feedback was lacking in letting you know what must be done

4. The House is also too large, and becomes boring to navigate. I would make the house smaller; akin to a small apartment?

5. However the game DOES emulate the feeling of being rushed for time, and constantly needing to do something; without any reward. This is both funny and depressing; and there definitely need to be more games like it.

6. Eventually I gave up, because the game was becoming a bit of a drag; but I feel like that might have been the point.

7. I would definitely expand upon this idea; but be careful with feedback. You need to engage the player; but you must keep some of the activities droll. It will be a fine balance with a theme such as this. Maybe allow for planning days for the family? (Holidays, Birthdays?) That way the Player gets to make a plan, and then try to enact it under pressure; emulating the feeling of being a parent.

8. Perhaps allow the player to [NAME] all of their family members and pets? This allows for a small amount of bonding, and personality projection as the game progresses.

9. I love the amount of settings on the main screen. Obviously this is good for playtesting/debugging; but a mechanic could be made out of this. (by increasing one slider; others increase/decrease) Almost like a "choose your own adventure" before you start the game proper.

Overall, good job on trying to push the boundaries! I definitely would like to see more of this type of game; thinking outside the box as to what game mechanics/structures can be. It fits the jam theme very well.


I liked the idea of the game. Nice to see something about a housewife. The game needs a bit of time to learn it, there isn't a inside tutorial, and understand that, I did the same with my game. And that is due to time constraints.

Still the game it's enjoyable. Good job guys.


Credible simulation of a relevant subject. Still not to judgemental or on the nose. It's a nice touch that you get to do some "family planning" up front.  The Jam scene generally needs more stuff like this.

Also, I'm not sure why the mopping progress bar is at an angle, but I love it.


Quite stressful but gets the point across, the game's well made and i like how you made an original concept out of well known top down action rpg controls so that you can pick up and play imediately

The difficulty slider is also a great feature, yet i like how it still gets the message across by having the lowest setting still be on "hard" 

good job to you guys :)


Thanks for playing dude. Difficulty slider was firstly designed to give us some intuition of what settings of the game make it playable. Then it became the part of the game as a demonstration that such labor couldn't be easy.


This was actually quite fun! The difficulty slider was a great addition as well.

Aside from echoing things that have already been said. I think perhaps some type of stamina mechanic would of been nice addition. Allow for only a limited increase in movement speed. I know if it was me I'd be running all over the house in short bursts. XD

Great entry guys, very enjoyable and on point with the theme!


Thanks for playing. Good advice. I guess some short sprints would enrich the hell of house work experience. Especially if we will extend some cooking mechanic so it will cook by itself and you just need to remove a pan in some time frame.

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