Thanks for the amazing comment. We did our best, but we didn't have time to finish what's in mind. We still working on it, and we'll finish it in the near future.
Ahmed ESS
Creator of
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Thanks for playing the game. Yes, the game difficulty processes system is not that good. We didn't have time to test the game will and adjust how the game start and progress in its difficulty. That because we were working hard on adding and finishing the other content, in the end, we couldn't, there is a lot of art, animations, and SFX and a mini and event we didn't implement because of the lack of time. We still working on the game, and we'll upload an update after the Jam is finished with more content and bugs and game play fixing.
Amazing game. I really loved the concept of it. The aesthetics are good. The parent mode is a little bit hard at the beginning, but enough time passes the game became like the hard mode.
I have to agree with TRy Dev on the randomness, also at the beginning you should have the food that the baby will ask for in the fridge.
Good work team!
Thanks for your comment. Yes, your observation is in its place, the game needs a tutorial in the beginning. We have added an image on the game page that explains which tools to use with each condition.
I am still remembering you from Godot wild jam #24, I have so much fun playing your game (BushiDuo). And I'll definitely try your game for this jam.
Thanks for the amazing comment. The artists and the composer did an amazing job on the aesthetic. The notes that you pointed out are good, we didn't have time to do a tutorial at the beginning or just a note with text that explains things (we still working on the game and we'll update it after the jam). We will make use of the discretion of the game and add a tutorial there. Thanks for the notes and for playing the game.
Simple, challenging, and full of fun. For your first game, it's is impressive. The game is random and there is no rhythm you can get used to it, and that makes it hard but I managed to finish it after few tries. I have few notes about the game:
- First, the hitbox between the player and the ghost, the player have a small hitbox for attacking, but a big one for taking hits, and that makes the player feel frustrated when he thinks that he clicks at the right time but the game has a different answer, and specifically with the fast ghosts. Try to make the player hitbox smaller and the flashlight hitbox larger.
- The randomness in the game makes it hard but also unbalanced. In my case, I got a lot of fast ghosts in the beginning, but in the last 15 seconds, I didn't get any. It would be better to make the speed increase (start slow and then go fast) by keeping the randomness but making a range that keeps increasing.
- My last point is about animation, I don't know if the player is the one who's moving toward the ghosts or the ghosts to the player (I think you make it both towards each other), but the player movement feels like he is just setting on a chair and playing with his legs. If you planning that the player moves towards the ghosts it will be better to just adjust its animation speed to match the speed of the ghosts.
لعبة جميلة و التحريك رائع. لكن التحكم يحتاج إلى للتحسين خصوصا أن اللعية لعبة منصات و هذا التحكم يجعل اللعب مزعجا جدا. يمكنك أنتجعل اللاعب يتحرك في إتجاه الكمرة بدلا من كل منها لديه تحكم خاص, هذا مثال جيد لهذا:
عند الخسارة لا يجب أن أعيد الشرح من البداية, فقط البدء باللعب مباشرة.
حجم اللعبة كبير جدا على ما تحتويه, قرابة 180 م ب و عند الفك أكثر من 1 ج ب, ضغط محتويات اللعبة من الممكن أن يساعد بالإضافة إلى إزالة المعتويات التي لا تعمل بها.
اللعبة تبدو مطورة بستخدام يونيتي لكن في الصفحة كتبت أنريل. فقط إستفسار.
أسف على الملاحظات الكثيرة, اللعبة كانت رائعة و الفكرة جميلة. أتمنى كامل التوفيق.
اللعبة جميلة و الفكرة جيدة أيضا, مع رسومات و موسيقى جيدة. لاكن هنالك عدة مشاكل: التحكم صعب إلى مستحيل عند زيادة السرعة. هنالك عيب في الحدود, فيمكنني الخروج من حدود اللعبة و الفوز بسهولة (تركت اللعبة تعمل لوحدها و حصلة على أكثر من 5000 نقطة). و بذكر الفوز, فلا يوجد حالة فوز فيها, بعد تخطي أخر عقبة, يبقى اللعب يطير في الفراغ. أتمنى أن تصلح هذه المشاكل.
عمل رائع و بالتوفيق.
اللعبة رائعة. إختيار الموسيقى جيد رغم أنها تتوقف ولا تعيد نفسها. لدي بضع ملاحظات: أي جسم في اللعبة غير الأرض قابل للتسلق, التحكم يحتاج للبعض التحسين, و المرحلة 4 صعبة بسسب الأرض المتحركة فيجب على أن أتحرك في إتجاه دورانها, أظن أنه من المفترض أن يدور اللاعب في إتجاهها تلقائية بسسب الجادبية.
على أي حال اللعبة كانت رائعة و مسلية, عمل رائع.
Sorry for not noticing your comment. Thanks a lot for checking the game, and thanks more for making video about it.
The game is not complete, we start late. there is a lot of stuff we planned but we didn't have time for that (like story and more complex puzzles), so we cut-off a lot of stuff.
The game is hard on it's status, but you can beat with him following your. (the AI for the enemy is very cheap).
But really thanks for playing. I enjoyed the video a lot. I'll but it on the game page.
اللعبة جميلة و مسلية, و ختيار الرسومات كان موفقا. لكن لدي بضع ملاحظات: الأجسام في بعض الأحيان تكون غير مكتملة و تظهر تقوب غير مرغوب فيها في الحواف. و في بعض الأحيان الأجسام الكبيرة لايمكن تخطيها حثى لو ذهبت إلى الثقب أو الحافة فعند إقتراب الأرض يصبح الثقب خارج الشاشة و لايمكن التفادي الاصطدام.
عمل رائع. بالتوفيق.