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aIfonzo updated a game 197 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
1 new upload: 25 MB
RiversOrigin published a game 198 days ago
A downloadable game.
WASD or Arrow Keys to move, Space to Jump, Left Click to briefly light up the screen, Space + Shift to repel flying ghosts. You have ten jumps. Your goal is to get to the 4 blue candles (Located on each corner of the labyrinth) without runn...
bscott519 published a game 212 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android.
Play as an inn-owning ghost hunter whose inn has become haunted. Defeat ghosts as you progress through the four floors of the inn in order to dehaunt it!
Michy published a game 213 days ago
A downloadable game.
A quick visual novel about a group of friends searching a haunted house in the hopes that their paranormal findings will pay for college. Help them seek through the house for ghosts. Make choices to decide what you explore and who you explo...
RiversOrigin updated a game 213 days ago
A downloadable game.
Updated page content. Set genre to Survival.
aIfonzo published a game 214 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
YakuzaBalooza published a game 215 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Sonic Spooks is a one level Sonic fangame developed for the GDDC Spooky Game Jam. Navigate and run around Mystic Graveyard, an abandoned graveyard in the middle of autumn woods! (While gamepad support is present, playing with a keyboard and...
SpaceGames3 published a game 349 days ago
A downloadable game.
One Night at the Zoo. Part of this tutorial series: