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Exporting with Unity

A topic by DevGio created Sep 21, 2023 Views: 190 Replies: 7
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I have a pixel perfect camera in the scenes, and I have the options set to 160x144 resolution, Upscale Render Texture enabled, and Crop Frame on both the X and the Y. The problem I have is when I export to 320x288 resolution, the game isnt being upscaled by 2, it stays at 160x144 with a large black border around it. I tried disabling cropping on the X and Y, but that just removed the black border filling it with emptiness, and the game was not uspcaled. I even tried enabling Stretch Fill, and that did upscale the game, however that left me with another problem as that cause the pixels/game to be blurry. Does anyone know how to properly export so the game is upscaled to 320x288?

Jam HostSubmitted

i don’t use Unity, so i can’t really answer your question, but we do have several Unity resources that have been shared on our discord and i posted them in response to another question on here. so maybe some of those will help you. here’s the other post:


set the resolution to 160x144 as well for the game window. it works for me


do black bars show up around the game view for you on itch? it seems to be something on itch's end, dealing with the resolution as if I zoom in, then the game view does upscale but it still leaves some unwanted black bars around the central view


I haven't experienced that... thats weird


might be because im using an older version of Unity, idk. Im using Unity 2021.1.20f1, that might be the reason

Jam HostSubmitted

These are the settings that my friend has found works for their camera. Perhaps these options will work for you too :)


Yeah, these are the options im currently using, ive come to the conclusion that its probably something on itch's end or due to using an older version of the unity editor