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A downloadable FPS.
Updated page content. Set genre to Shooter.
OBJ_Uncraftable published a game 37 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
ZQSD pour se déplacer Souris pour contrôler le chandelier Vous incarnez un valet dans un donjon muni votre inestimable chandelier qui illumine votre chemin. Pour gagner vous devrez parcourir sans encombre les couloirs piégés par les él...
Yo_yoo published a FPS 37 days ago
A downloadable FPS.
Pauvre fou que vous êtes, Votre curiosité à toujours été un vilain défaut. Nous vous avions pourtant prévenus. Ce n'est rien. Ce temple est maudit. Personne n'en ressort vivant. Personne ne peut vaincre mes golems. HEHEHE Baptiste Be...
A downloadable game.
You play a small witch apprentice of the great witch Salem! You must help her at her bar, Salem's Brewery. Follow the recipes and harness the power of the elements to make the best cocktails you can! The faster you brew, the more points you...
Baptiste Montel published a game 37 days ago
A downloadable game.
Bon... Collectez quand meme les objets please
A downloadable game.
Here is the game BIKI, by VALLEIX Gabrielle, HANTZEN Cassandra, MORIAME Frida, SIMON Mathys, NGOMO Emmanuella Studio Mercier, Paris (75019)
R3m published a Drowned 37 days ago
A downloadable Drowned.
Hello ! Thx for trying our game ! I hope you enjoyed as much a us makin it ! Love ya XoXo ZQSD for movement H for Menu Space for Jumping No mouse.
Vexion34 updated a game 37 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Updated page content. Added platform Windows.
Jubeirino published a game 37 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Plongez dans l'univers palpitant de notre jeu où vous incarnez une alchimiste, confrontée à une menace peu commune : une invasion de slimes ! Votre mission ? Protéger un coffre précieux des assauts incessants de ces créatures gélatin...
Dreiya updated a game 37 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Added platform Windows.
Horus1804 updated a game 37 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Added platform Windows.
Louis G published a game 37 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Projet Gamejam : Louis Guiot, Alexandre Mangeot, Quentin Monnier, Thomas Verrier, Dylan Lefort Dans le jeu, les joueurs incarnent Racamage, une racaille dotée de pouvoirs magiques. Le gameplay se concentre sur l'utilisation de trois pouvoi...
Morgan5000001 published a game 37 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Incarnate an elemental and dive into an epic adventure where you embody a ball of earth, water, and fire. Explore your surroundings, shape the landscape in your own way, and solve puzzles to continue moving forward. Incarnez un élémentair...
Thomas Salto published a game 37 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
In this game, play a match character who's in search of its spark - the love of its life, the candle. Survive the challenges you'll encounter in this cozy bathroom decor!
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