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PaMuDa rated a game 92 days ago
A downloadable game.
KingDunnad published a game 166 days ago
A downloadable game.
A short 2-page solo TTRPG about conserving objects from all throughout history, learning about the emotions of people before us, and being supernaturally changed by the act of doing do. It requires a journal or another way of recording your...
A downloadable game.
The Paper Trail - An Assignment for Candela Obscura Embark on an arcane journey with "The Paper Trail," an assignment designed to test the mettle of brave investigators in the mysterious world of the Candela Obscura system. Your mission, sh...
Ty Barbary published a game 176 days ago
A downloadable game.
Screams puncture your eardrums as the dense crowd around you panics, scattering like startled minnows in every direction. In the space of a blink, a ravening beast apparates from the darkness behind your eyelids and locks gazes with you. It...
Ty Barbary published a game 177 days ago
A downloadable game.
Your beloved grandmother owns the building where you work. On paper, you have a perfectly mundane job, but in reality, you spend most of your hours tending to an ever-changing group of abandoned magical familiars. You bandage their hurts an...
ToriBee published a game 178 days ago
A downloadable game.
Guide a tortoise through the annals of history. However, due to the inherent slowness characteristic of a tortoise, you always arrive just after the major historical events have unfolded. Each time you draw a card, it represents a historica...
The Desk published a game 194 days ago
A downloadable game.
Using just a D4 and and this Business Card RPG, explore a world where the consequences of all of your actions can help to lead to the end goal - just in their own way! When making an important choice in your story, roll your D4 and see how...
elusis published a project 197 days ago
A downloadable project.
Just a little game about breaking and repair. Requires a d6, d8, d10 and a journal of some kind.
Yoon Ha Lee published a game 203 days ago
A downloadable game.
Solo TTRPG: You're the last sentinel of the Tower at the edge of the world. Will you save yourself by destroying it, or destroy yourself for its sake? Runs on 2d6 and a standard poker deck.
yarntheory published a game 206 days ago
A downloadable game.
You have built your lair in the wilderness. A hero is coming to destroy it. A journaling game of discovery and devastation for a single player. Choose fairy tales, fantasy, or horror. Play with random generators or a deck of cards that you...
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