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Community Results are in! 1 Step Remains Sticky

A topic by Blue Pin Studio created 52 days ago Views: 95 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 3

The community results have been made public! All that is left to do is for the judges to play the top 10 games and decide on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th games. It may vary slightly from the community ranking and it might vary dramatically. We'll see!

Here are the prizes as a reminder!

  1. Construct 3 License + $25 Scirra Store Voucher
  2. Construct 3 License + $25 Scirra Store Voucher
  3. $25 Scirra Store Voucher
  4. $25 Scirra Store Voucher
  5. $25 Scirra Store Voucher

Just a curiosity, what's the difference between Score and Raw Score? I saw that for some games they are identical, while in other games they differs.


Raw Score: This is the average rating that a game receives. If your number of ratings is the same or more than the median number of ratings (13 in this jam) then: Score = Raw score

Score: This is the important one for determining who ranks where. Not every game has the same number of ratings so to balance things out more fairly it takes into consideration the number of ratings as well as the raw score. If your number of ratings is less than the median number of ratings (13 in this jam) then: Score = Raw Score * square root(number of ratings of your game divided by the median number of ratings)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I see, thank you GameFavorites for the explanation! :-)