Super Meat Boy meets Dangerous Dave!
Awesome game! I've played for about 1:30 hour. Died HUNDREDS of times with the saws of the 3rd level. Reach the Wizard, (SPOILER ALERT, DON'T READ FROM HERE IF YOU DIDN'T PLAY IT!!!)...
...came back to retake the throne, and managed to reach the ... "final?" boss... (the big cloud)
But i was playing the WebGL version.. and here is my complain....
A WebGL game shouldn't have CONTROL for shooting when your player move to the Left with A... cause I was contantly "Selecting all" with CONTROL + A.
Also during the boss fight, between Shift + Control + A + D + nervous, I call several times the AddOn page from the browser lol... and finally, after almost defeating the boss... I accidentally press CONTROL + W.... and close the page... loosing all the progress :(
Unluckily I don't have time to replay from the beginning now. I'll love to finish it. Love the difficult games (check my steam profile)
I'll try to replay tomorrow if I can. I had a lot of fun!
Great work!!!
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