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A jam submission

Retro DiscoView game page

Done for Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2
Submitted by Fırat AĞIŞ — 1 hour, 3 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#4823.2223.222

Ranked from 36 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
Rules of the game changes constantly and randomly.

Did you write all the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?
Menu code I copy-pasted from a previous project, music & sound effects were downloaded from freesound with credits given to the creators.

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The game really fits the theme.  The gameplay is simple and straight forward.  However, somethings, like the different picks/enemies could be explained better.  I couldn't tell if the hearts in the level were pick-ups or enemies.  Also, the enemies have a weird movement pattern, it seems like they are affected by gravity as well, but they are pulled in a different direction then the players gravity.  Overall, the game is straight forward, really fits the theme, and most importantly is fun to play.  With a little polish, it could become a really good game


Nice graphics and very innovative gameplay. I would've liked a sound effect when the rules change or even before the rules change, so the player can react in time. The bullets were a bit too small, making them hard to see. Other than that, I enjoyed the game.


Pulished game! Very nice! especially that you make two side maps! interesting! Good job!


This is fun!! maybe it would be better if the graphics were like in my game.


simple game with good visual


Probably the most thorough dedication to the jam's theme I've seen so far. I'm a sucker for action games that force you to manage everything at once, and this is a really good example of that.

I've played a lot of wave-based arena shooters for this jam (heck, MY game is a wave-based arena shooter), but this one probably has my favorite use of the mechanics on offer. Randomizing your weapon, AND the gravity, AND which enemy is which is a really, really cool idea, that I think gets a lot of mileage despite the game's simplicity. Also a really big fan of some of the small touches in this one, especially how the health pickups are shoot-able, which really forces you to keep track of what thing is what.

Didn't see many bugs outside of the somewhat strange movement/jump (which I've seen that some others have already mentioned), and that the bullet collision can be a little chunky when enemies are close together (there was a moment where a health pickup was stacked on top of an enemy, and both were destroyed in a single shot).

This game is really high on my list of games that I really want to see a polished-up version of. With better graphics/sound, and more things to keep track of (maybe make the platforms shift, or add more enemies), this could be extremely addictive. Good stuff all around.

My entry's below if you want to give it a try. Hope to see you in another jam! I'll be keeping an eye on this entry in particular.


Great crazy game!!


There was definitely some craziness with the gravity flipping which took a lot of getting used to.  Once I mostly did tho it was interesting, a bit weird to jump, but interesting.  The weapon types definitely took me off guard because I got some very lucky rolls or something where I almost always had the same weapon for a bit, and then it randomly switched to a shotgun and I was very confused.

Other than that though I was mostly just confused by the enemy types since they didn't seem to be very distinct, except in their visuals.  Since I saw some that were melee one time be ranged other times etc..  It was definitely weird and got me quite confused on how to deal with each of them separately.  

Overall though, an interesting little arcade game, I do think more of an indication on when things were changing would be nice.  Otherwise, pretty good.

Submitted (1 edit)

I very much liked the gameplay and art style! Though sometimes I could walk on air and the circle enemy and heart switch abilities for a few rounds. I would also like it if there was a quick restart option instead of having to refresh. Over all the I like this arcade style game!


Nice Simple game. Fit the theme. We have similar game view))


I think this game fits the thematic so well, so chaotic and fun specially with the relative controllers. the movement of the players felt a little rough for me but that might have been a design decision. Great Music as well, Good Job

Please check out my game :)


Talk about chaotic :)
Great game! I do think a short tutorial would have been nice though!

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