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Rat JumbleView game page

Fight with the chaotic rats!
Submitted by Hrober — 13 minutes, 13 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#6603.0003.000

Ranked from 40 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
Welcome to rat jumble! You play as Bob, a new janitor in a nearby building. The boss mentioned something about rats living in the building. doing most of the chaos. Your job is to clean up the mess the previous janitor has left and to eradicate all rats.

Or is it your job? The game contains two endings so try to get both!


Did you write all the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?
We have written all of our code, UI, shaders, level ourselves.

We have outsourced all the sounds and a lot of environmental props from various packages.

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Fun game!  This one has some potential.  (btw I tried out the latest version since you said you prefer honest feedback to improve the game).

Here's a few comments and recommendations from my perspective:

  • Graphics, interactions and UI are all really well done.
  • Opening the game time took a bit long and at first I thought the game crashed my computer, but eventually it loaded up.
  • Recommend you make it easier to find and kill the rats.  On a few playthroughs, the the game ended before I even saw a rat.  I played it about 10 times and wasn't able to kill any rats so I ended up focusing on the cleaning instead.
  • Would be great if your body didn't get stuck on the objects and they would get knocked out of the way when you walk.

Hope that helps.  Best of luck and would appreciate if you checked out our game too


Thank you for playing the newer version of the game instead of the official one!

All of your points are good and made me research few things, even made me research few things.

Opening the game at first might take around 10 seconds while using an HDD because of shader compilation and a memory allocation (the game wants to load 1GB of assets to your memory right away). About shaders, I will try to look for some unnecessary variants and remove them. About the memory allocation, the game should load the scene after clicking the "Play" button. I don't know why isn't it doing that way. I feel like there is some direct reference to the scene. I will look at the code and try to fix that.

About the game balance - The game works in a way that rats spawn at you within waves. Each wave gets bigger than the previous so with each wave, rats cause more and more chaos. Thanks to your feedback, I've noticed that after some point (like 7 rats and more) the wave gets so big it's gets a bit too hard to win. I will try to balance that a bit better.

And about pushing various objects by moving at them. The last time I've tried that, it caused so many issues and bugs everywhere I've decided to not do that almost immediately. For example, small items could go through the floor If you'd go over them. I might try to search whether there is a way to handle that properly but I can't promise anything.

And for sure I will review your game!


Glad the feedback helped! For objects falling through the floor (assuming you’re using Unity), try changing the Rigidbody collision detection on all your objects from Discrete —> Continuous or Continuous Dynamic.  It’s a little bit more expensive on the CPU but prevents missed collisions falling through the floor.


Out of respect for the jam's rules, I downloaded the main version you have here and will be playing the other version after the voting ends. The game's really fun, I get surprised pretty easily so seeing a box or chair fly up into the sky got a giggle and a tiny gasp from me every time. Would love to know what you think of our game as well, if youd like to try it out :D

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

I don't mind you playing the older version. It's just that the initial build had many significant issues to which everyone complained. We've implemented many small changes which makes a giant difference to the expierience while at the same time the feedback to the old version doesn't tell us anything.

If you wanted to save a review for the game, then obviously you have to base that on the 1.01 version of the game. But we prefer to have fewer reviews and more feedback for the newest version of the game.

Thanks for playing!

Developer (2 edits)

To anyone reading here. I just wanted to thank everyone that has reviewed the game and provided feedback! We have 32 reviews right now which is a lot!

Additionally, based on your feedback, we've just released a new, big update to the game. You can download it only through the google drive page(the itch io blocks uploading new versions of the game until the end of the game jam).

Honestly, I would prefer If you'd play the newer version and not save any review than to play the older version and post a review with a comment. The best would be If you would just play the newer version of the game and then post feedback here, as a response.

Also, I will review every game that will provide feedback about the newest build of the game.


An interesting ode to something like Viscera Cleanup Detail, though the controls didn't feel responsive and it was confusing as to what actions had which effects. The rats' screams were effectively guttural though, and the visuals fit the world pretty nicely. Nail the gameplay and this would be a very solid game!


The idea came out purely out of brainstorming, but I agree it is similar to Viscera Cleanup Detail. Though I have to say I've never heard complaints about the controls not being responsive enough. I wonder whether you meant all controls, or just throwing?

I wanted to ask you about one thing. We've just released a new, big update (available only through google drive until next Sunday) which improves the controls (and many, many more things). I have to say, with proper balance it feels like a completely different game now. Could you just download the game and tell whether the controls still feel not responsive?

Whatever the answer, thanks for playing. I will for sure review your game too!


It would be quite fun if it was easier to kill the rats. It was kinda relaxing cleaning things until they started showing up and I couldn't hit them when I wanted, only accidentaly. Fits perfectly the theme, though!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Hi, We've just released a new, big update that improves everything you've pointed out and much more. Now the game feels completely different than before (It's still chaotic) so I thought you might want to play it again. The game is available only through google drive (uploading on itch is blocked until the next Sunday).

Thanks for playing anyway! I see I've reviewed your game 6 days ago and it was fun!


nice game, but not quite my cup of tea.


Have played and rated. This would make for an interesting VR game I think.  I was thinking that maybe instead of shrinking the patches of dirt etc. maybe bring down its alpha channel instead. Well done for completing the jam!


We were thinking about changing alpha instead of changing size, but in general, that's a harder solution to perfect out. For example, someone might leave the patch uncleared. If it does have a low alpha value, then the player might not be able to see the patch again. With a small patch, it still will be clear enough.

Plus, I think changing the alpha channel on one material (out of all) would break the instantiating which would be slightly worse for the runtime performance. We wanted to bring this game on WebGL (on which we are still slowly working and getting great progress).

Thanks for playing! I've reviewed your game too!


Really fun and polished game! The only issue I found was the options button wasn't working yet although I'm sure that that's already fixed since you decided to continue working on it. Great job!


very interesting take, a little satisfying at times, overall enjoyable


Oddly satisfying cleaning  game

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