Whoa. I have NO idea how you guys managed to fit so many systems together so quickly, but you definitely did. This is for sure a full game kind of scope. Unfortunately, for a jam, most people really want to get in and out of a game quickly, a sampling of what could be instead of reading a bunch of text. There was a little bit TOO much on the plate, and without a solid tutorial level, it left me agape at the screen with how much detail was jammed in at one time.
This would be an AWESOME full experience, and I can tell that you guys really put all you had into it. The art is great, the music kicks ass, and the UI isn't even bad for how much info you had to cram into the screen. At the end of the day though, I couldn't understand even a whiff of what I was doing, and had to quit before my mind exploded.
I actually have made this exact same mistake in one of my previous jam games Asterwhal Adventures. I gave too much to the player all at one time, and it turned into an incomprehensible experience. This is an amazing learning experience, and I hope everyone on the team uses this as a good incentive to try again! Definitely underrated in this jam.
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