I wrote a list of games by language for this jam as well :)
Please correct me if I got something wrong (or missed some information)!
Common Lisp
- Chrono Labyrinth - made with sketch (and this is mine submission :)
- Mana Break - made with cl-liballegro and cl-fast-ecs (Entity Component System library)
- Foolander (play here) - made with Hunchentoot
- Calm Sea - made for Playdate, built on top of the author's Fennel+Playdate starter repo
- Waiting for a Bite - made with love2d
- Shadow Tetris - made with love2d
- Access Battlers - made with TIC-80
- cube land - made with love2d
- defend! [Chez scheme] - made with author's TUI library and klecs (Entity Component System library)
- Strigoform [Guile] - compiled to WASM using Guile Hoot
- Cybersol [Guile] - compiled to WASM using Guile Hoot
- Spook [Chicken Scheme] - made with Spock
Urlang ("JavaScript with a sane syntax", made with Racket)
- Sliding Puzzle - made with quil (wrapper for p5.js); compiled with shadow-cljs
- cachinko - made with Electric Clojure; compiled with shadow-cljs
Bobbi lisp (inspired by Clojure)
- NES Music Engine (not a game, but is a very cool project!)