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A jam submission

Alternative Soundtrack #3View project page

Submitted by Barbedor Musique — 3 days, 5 hours before the deadline
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Alternative Soundtrack #3's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Sound quality#93.6843.684

Ranked from 19 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Track description | Creative process
Full reverb, of course, but also vibraphone / piano with pedal / pianissimo horn nape to add to the “empty space” effect. I've tried to keep the structure of the original piece, with two motives A: “I'm moving forward”, B: “I'm falling” (I've just added a very short third one, which serves as a transition between phrases). I make multiple key changes (+use of contrabassoon / tuba / contrabass ) to get lower and lower, as if sinking into the depths.
Still a lot of little things to work out, but I've got a good feeling about it!

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I like the composition alot. Great mixing, orchestration and sound quality, definitely feels professional.


Nice organic compostition, maybe it even moves a bit too much for a background music. Also I think it is because of the tempo and the ryhtmic choices, but it feels more like a puzzle game music than a platformer one. The section at 1:36 to me is too static for a fast paced game like mario, and not very excited from a purely musical point of vue either. Still very nice job with the melodic cells development and the mood of the piece that is very underground compatible.


Really like the instrumentation. Cool woodwinds and vibraphone. Nice secondary dominant use. Nice work!


Very interesting approach to showing the underground vibe!


Niiiice ! Really feels underground, and I must say, really good and interesting orchestration choices, you kept me suprised all along. Great Job !


Excellent composition! I think you did really well with all the different instruments while keeping the motif present throughout the piece.

The musical progression through the track also fit really well with the theme, it feels like you’re progressing through an evolving level.

Well done!


Love how the motives are present in different ways through the piece!


this feels so professional, its perfect vibe, its so well composed and orchestrated. I have no words


The section at around 1:10 is the highlight for me, love the vibe you created there. I agree that high glassy sounds and low woodwinds sound like the underground - a texture like a crystal cave paired with a, literally, low sound ^^


Nice approach going full orchestral, reverb does make it feel like an underground level too. I liked that you used some low woodwinds too I think it captures the vibe of an underground level too, can't explain why, just feels like it :)