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Tower of KalemonvoView game page

Hack and slash ARPG inspired by Diablo 1
Submitted by osur (@kalemonvo) — 2 days, 23 hours before the deadline
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I learned a bit more about the game playing it this time, and while I still wouldn't call these sorts of games fun for me, I did get sucked in for a little while.


thanks for the stream!


Gave it a shot, looks good. Works fine on Manjaro, didn't see any bugs or glitches.

  • Minor thing, the files with ToK all have a space following the 'K'. Can get a bit annoying having to escape it on the command line.
  • I like the little ticks when hovering over stuff in the menus, should also have some sort of clunky SFX when selecting and pressing back. Entering Options menu doesn't play a sound.
  • Scrolling through the control menu with the mouse wheel is really slow
  • I dig the story setup, it got me hooked. Being a tower, do the levels eventually brighten up with windows and such? Or is this "tower" more like the donjon in the Tower of London?
  • There's very little feedback on misses (at least I think they're misses), I thought hit registration was broken at first. I say this as a diehard Morrowind fanboy so I should be used to misses based on dice rolls, but I don't really like these diablo-clone-type games.
  • It's not very clear that the doors are interactible, I thought they opened on contact at first. Should have a highlight on hover and a sound playing for them opening.
  • The art style is off to good start though it feels a bit plain. It needs either more color, more depth, or more contrast. The HUD elements in particular just don't pop like I think they should.
  • Adding ice damage to your weapon makes the damage font way too dark on the character stats page, it would read a bit better with a light blue instead of this dark navy color.
  • It's annoying having to retype the name of your save when overwriting, the textbox should start off with whatever it was already named.

I'm not really a fan of these kinds of games, the pseudo-RTS perspective and control scheme have never clicked for me. I dig dungeon-crawling grinding games but blobbers and first-person games do it much better for me. So yeah, keep that in mind with some of the feedback.


Thanks for giving it a go! I'm glad it was able to run smoothly.

To address your points (feel free to skip this)

>Minor thing, the files with ToK all have a space following the 'K'.
Will change this

>I like the little ticks when hovering over stuff in the menus, should also have some sort of clunky SFX when selecting and pressing back. Entering Options menu doesn't play a sound.
Currently doing so

>I dig the story setup, it got me hooked. Being a tower, do the levels eventually brighten up with windows and such? Or is this "tower" more like the donjon in the Tower of London
Yeah, one of the levels has a skybox and weather effects! There's some screenshots of it on the game's page

>There's very little feedback on misses (at least I think they're misses), I thought hit registration was broken at first. I say this as a diehard Morrowind fanboy so I should be used to misses based on dice rolls, but I don't really like these diablo-clone-type games
Noted. The face that it's too much for Morrowind fans tells me something needs to change

>It's not very clear that the doors are interactible, I thought they opened on contact at first. Should have a highlight on hover and a sound playing for them opening.
Did both, will be available in future releases

>The art style is off to good start though it feels a bit plain. It needs either more color, more depth, or more contrast. The HUD elements in particular just don't pop like I think they should
I'll mess around with colors and see what I can come up with

>Adding ice damage to your weapon makes the damage font way too dark on the character stats page, it would read a bit better with a light blue instead of this dark navy color.
Got it. Will change

>It's annoying having to retype the name of your save when overwriting, the textbox should start off with whatever it was already named
Will change this.

Thanks again for your detailed feedback!


Here's a video with commentary:

I hope the audio levels are fine, and the game is going to be helpful in seeing the game through the eyes of someone pretty new to orblikes.


Putting this here, so you definetly read this.

I don't know what happened this morning, but nothing good came of it. 

Enemies, especially the big burly ones in lvl 1 can walk through closed doors without opening them.

Sometimes Barrels you aim at but don't shoot, then aim away can retain their highlight.

The half invisible Enemies on floor 2 are pretty much unhitable, is this intended due to them being phased out a bit? Didn't feel like this before tho.

I don't know what I did, but at some Point all my Potions just disappeared from my Inventory. After that the Inventory in that run and all subsequent once was completely broken. Found a Ring, immediately locked both ring-slots to it, and afterwards in every run, all Rings I found converted to that ring, and stayed forcefully equipped on those Slots. Potions randomly kept disappearing. Magic Books didn't get consumed anymore, so if I found one, I immediately could learn up to whatever level I wanted, provided I had the Int for it. That last one led me to think, wouldn't it be better to swap int/mind around? so mind allows you to have more spellslots as needed, but int increases mana. Since you're maxing int anyway to get the spells to a higher level, and it also increases wand damage. as it is currently, I was running around with a ton of spellslots and wand damage ( but no wand) and only base mana, as I had to put every Point into int to keep up with spells. Obviously I wouldn't have the option to keep up as closely, since spellbooks are ment to be consumed, but still.

Other Items randomly duplicated or changed aswell upon moving them through the Inventory.

I'll do a clean redownload later and see if I can replicate any of this, but my current version apparently is broken beyond repair. 


good morning,

I didn’t upload any new version, this is the same one as DD! Interesting.

The mauler and barrel thing I’m aware of and I don’t think it’s a big deal, I’ll fix that by DD.

The faceless have evasion, meaning they dodge arrows a lot (30% I think of all arrows just phase through).

The inventory is what I’m most concerned about. When did this happen first? When you do another run, do you mean you hit “Try Again”, or you go back to the main menu, or you restart the game? Once you restart the game all inventory data is of course wiped, especially if you don’t save, so the fact that an issue exists is very unexpected. If that’s the case, do me a favor and send me a debug log of a fresh start. Just start the game, play until you experience the issue, then send me a text file that’ll be made in your AppData -> Local Low folder. 

I’m curious to see what’s breaking! 

Thanks for playing again and breaking the game, this is a very interesting start to my day- and sorry about the bad format, I’m phone posting from bed!


It happened on try again and going through the menu, I have been unable to reproduce it after closing and reopening tho. If I recall correctly it happened while dragging a Potion around, probably over another Potion. 

The only TextFiles created are Player and Player-Prev, do you mean those? I'll do a couple of Runs over the Day, trying to reproduce the Issue.

Sorry I can't help more on that, I don't fully know what I did when it happened, or why, or how to reliably reproduce it at this Point.


that’s fine! If it happened on Try Again then I have a general idea of the issue, it’s just something I thought I fixed before!
Yeah, “Player” is the file in question, but it gets overwritten on every run.

At this point I’m more concerned about the basically guaranteed crash. What level does it start on? 

Regardless, you’ve done more than enough. Take a break and do other things. DD is over, solider, you did your duty. 


>What Level does it start on?

Usually I crash once in the Level after the first Boss, then just randomly. I still think its just my GPU being broken tho.

I don't know anymore. Maybe its the saving thats breakiing my GPU? Anyway, this Time it didn't, so here's a finished Run. Finally. Don't you think that Crossbow is a little broken maybe Kalemonvo-dev? Found it after everything was dead tho, so I couldn't try it properly.
Wanted to go down melee, but that just doesn't work out at the End, or I was getting horrible luck, so I had to do most of it with a 1 damage Wand. Got carried by 5% Lifesteal and 5%Manasteal. On that note, your Values don't really make a lot of Sense on the 5% steal I think, highest I ever got was ~10%, and highest damage was ~20 on a really good hit, so at most I'd be getting 2 health. But since minimum is 1, as soon as you get 1% Lifesteal, you don't need more to get basically maximized returns. Also Lifesteal doesn't stack it seems, so if I equip 2 Items with % Lifesteal on them it sometimes stops working until I re-equip one of them completely.
Your shooty Bugs break when you break LoS, they stop moving and firing as soon as you do, trivializing them. At one Point I notice my Armor had disappeared, but no Idea why. Also was unable to reproduce the Potion Bug I mentioned on Itch. You can equip a +Int thing, learn a spell and unequip it to just keep them learned. And when you have Manabarrier, Enemies can hit you into negative Mana. The Blue blob above your Head also never disappears as soon as you activate the Barrier, even if it runs out. Theres a big difference in loot quality and variety after the Titan, it really ramps up better there. How many Levels are planned after that? Because it seems like its just starting at that Point.
The Rockthingy with the Skeleton in it on the Floor before this one in one of the CornerRooms floats a bit above the Ground.
Loot-Goblin gave me a regular Bracer for 3 regular Bracers, kind of rude. Legendary Chests gave me either nothing or Potions, I really think Chests should give you something, and legendaries at least something decent.

(1 edit) (+1)

did a blind playthrough without reading any of the other comments on your itch, so please pardon me if any of this is repetitive!

  • intro lore dump needs a lot of work. hard to read font and it would be much nicer if it scrolled, also, it seems like a lot of fairly meaningless exposition that would be better handled in-game.
  • get into first dungeon. immediately appreciate the atmosphere and pace. 2560 resolution is way too crisp and sharp, almost eye-burningly crisp, so i scale it down to 1280, which looks a million times better and appropriate for a diablo clone.
  • get cracking. Level layouts spawn nicely. You’ll have to comment more on how you wrote this level spawner since it seems to produce great results. 
  • slow repetitive pace is quite hypnotic and satisfying. Sometimes i feel i’m playing remastered D1. I miss having a comfy hub area to return to. I miss being able to sell items for gold. then i realize that isn’t how you intended this game to be and i settle into the premise. 
  • find books of healing, bloodlust, and fireball. try to make a spellsword build which is usually how i try to play these sorts of things. I find a big bonk mace with some mana steal and damage buffs, and some rings that give damage increases… now we’re cooking with gas. easy to bait enemies into walking around the corner and whacking them one at a time just like in diablo. it’s easy to heal-spam myself with the healing spell, which appears to take no mana. it’s more fun to blast away with fireball and then finish off the mob with the mace. big giants clip through walls. 
  • the seemingly random colored magic/rare items that your RNG generates look pretty silly. I’m wielding a bright green mace and wearing a purple hat. It looks funny, but we’ll go with it. I’m really disappointed the other equipment meshes don’t change, like the shirt being a shirt model, and differences in leather and metal armor.
  • not as easy to switch and equip items, sometimes it seems they aren’t responding to my inputs, sometimes they get stuck, disappear or do other weird behaviors.
  • been playing over an hour now. I enjoy meeting the NPC and finding his unique shield. enjoy finding Tomo’s models on floor 4 (i think?) and tearing through their ranks using my combination of bloodlust-fireball-healing and the mana stealing mace. The reaction sounds of the goatmen, the zombies, and the sun cultists all kind of sound similar, can you make them more distinctive? 

the colors and more opulent feeling on the upper halls level are nice but i think transparency looks kind of strange. 

  • I make it to the upper halls. I’m having a grand old time, love the loading screens. see big fat golden idol. (check how it looks in 1280 vs. 2560. 1280 looks great, 2560 looks awful, with all the triangle edges visible.) click on him and my inventory pops up. I think oh, this may be one of the crafting stations you mentioned in the thread. drag and drop some items and it spits out a sweet rare ring with many affixes. 
  • attempt to equip ring. doesn’t equip. attempt to switch some other inventory items. now nothing in the inventory is working. try to load my last save. it doesn’t open, stuck on loading save screen. Game is frozen and I have to ctrl-alt-del to exit.

overall a super enjoyable experience and i will give it another go from scratch once i’ve gotten over the grief of losing my character to this weird bug. 


Oh man, sorry to hear the golden gobbo griefed you! I was able to cause a bug myself before DD, but I didn't think anyone would be able to replicate it since it required a very specific and rare combination of item -affixes. I'll eventually need to correct this, but I think the % of people that reach him is about 10-15 of all players (even less who figure out the goblin, and even less those who feed it the required affixes), so it'll wait for the full update which'll pop up sometime next month.

The level spawner is simple in design, just ties prefabs, but I gave it a giant list of clauses, edgecases, special circumstances and so on in order to try and get a good feeling dungeon!

The saves are also very clumsy after the Halls of Pain, so much so they are confirmed to work less than 1/3rd of the time! That's also getting fixed... I hope.

I'm glad you had fun and enjoyed what time you spent playing! The goal now is to iron things out so that not everything starts breaking apart after level 3!


Hello, finally got around to playing this for a few hours. It's basically just Diablo, so I had a blast.

Ranged does seem pretty OP, like everyone else is saying. I ended up with a lifestealing bow and two rings that added poison damage, so I rarely needed to heal, and anything that wasn't immune to poison died really quick. 

Stuff I noticed and wrote down during the playthrough:

Can see Cult apprentice's magic hand and other particle effects through walls.

The way enemies can hide behind walls is a little annoying as a ranged character. Could we get an outline for them? Maybe toggleable with alt, like items on the ground?

Or maybe a second circle of transparent wall around the cursor, so you can see stuff near walls without having to walk there.

I can't believe there's no town in a game that draws so heavily on Diablo 1. That's really ballsy, and I had to fight really hard to get rid of my "pick everything up" habit from every other ARPG.

Footsteps get pretty monotonous - multiply the pitch by a random amount between .9f and 1.1f for each footstep? 

The pathfinding seems able to handle long distances easily, so maybe let the player choose a destination on the map to walk to? Would make it easy to take a sip of water or whatever when you're going back from a dead end in the dungeon.

Shame that the skeletons don't have blood to show off the damage effect. Maybe they could get visual damage of a different sort?

Skeletons' glowing red eyes really should go out when they die.

Had an item land behind the stairs up on level 1, meaning I couldn't interact with it?

2nd-floor boss was quite the damage sponge. I assume he was healing? Don't think I could've killed him with the bow, so I just facetanked him and drowned myself in healing potions. Is he beatable with the bow? (In hindsight, probably should've used archery skills for burst DPS and he'd be manageable)


But they're the only enemy that really challenged me, so maybe they're not so bad.

I just noticed I got some spells with drawbacks, presumably from the menacing cauldron? That's great, I hope you expand on stuff like that.

5th floor seems way easier than the 3rd. Maybe because the Faceless are the only things that don't get wrecked by kiting, or maybe because I finally found a better bow.

I kinda miss some proper choke points; all the doors are three player-widths wide, but it was a lot of fun back in Diablo 1 to use the narrow doorways to manage how many enemies you had to fight.

Sun cultists don't seem to get bloody on their back as they take damage? 

I really like how varied the skeletons look. It's nice!

I feel like a lot of the later melee weapons would be better as early-game weapons - something like a cleaver or sickle shouldn't be stronger than a sword, surely. It would also help with the lack of variety in the early dungeon.

Had two cases of a temptress in the Upper Halls whose death animation didn't trigger. Clearly dead - collission was off - but she was still standing up. Both were poisoned - perhaps that had something to do with it?

Regarding the Burrows and Breeding Grounds, I noticed the phasmids(?) and parasite spreaders were doing something to the character, but I couldn't tell what effect it was having.

Had a behemoth in the Breeding Grounds that didn't lose collission on death - I could push it around by walking into it. Again, poisoned when it died.

Found a "maneuvrable padded coat" that claimed to increase defense at the cost of armor, but both its armor(8) and defense(13) were lower than the regular padded coat I was already wearing(17 and 18, IIRC).

I didn't make it past the Breeding Grounds because I couldn't find an exit to a higher level after killing everything. I thought there was supposed to be a level past that - am I mistaken? Did I miss something?

Anyway, great promise, rough around the edges; especially the player model's walk animation gets grating over time. Lots of fun though! 


Thanks for playing and congrats on reaching the end! As far as I can tell you're the 2nd person to make it that far, well done!

There is no exit in the Breeding Grounds, that's the final level as of now. It seems you missed the secret level you can access in the Burrows, which leads you to the Skeleton Pit dungeon. No exit there, just a Golden Goblin as a reward at the end.

Everything after the Halls of Pain I consider to be super unpolished - my goal is to now start on Lower Dungeons 2 and make my way up slowly. I'm glad you like the Faceless! I had a lot of fun making those.

As for choke points, I think in general I made a mistake by having some large enemies early on which then necessitated large doors. I think I'll fix this as the game progresses, at which point choke points will be a bit more important anyway.

The Phasmids spam a -Defense debuff on you, that's why the Bugmen tend to land hits so often!

Thanks again for the detailed feedback and for playing the game all the way through. It makes me glad people are enjoying their adventures

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