Sorry about the audio levels. Also it ran worse than last DD so it wasn't very playable for me.
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BreakWeapons's pageComments
A+ style and very nice and straightforward gameplay. Here is something feedback.
- The physics can feel a bit floaty, like I make a leap or dash and if my path isn't good I screw myself pretty hard since there is no real return from gaining that velocity.
- Also hitting certain objects whilst having that velocity gain makes the player almost bounce of them, with this I encountered some unpredictable behavior. Example: In the fight against the consensual tentacle I got a hit that torpedoed me to behind him so that I gained access to the bandit camp without needing to beat him. Things like this can be fun and I myself as a player doesn't mind really, but I just thought I'd inform you of this.
- Hitboxes/ billboarding: I'm not sure on your method of doing the hitboxes, but doing a attack or dash against a enemy and not landing it at the center of the enemy makes so that the billboard rotates against the camera/player center. This doesn't feel like a dodge from the enemy, but rather a technical hinder as to why I wouldn't land a attack. This problem wasn't that apparent against the bandits though, so maybe it has something to do with the spiders being closer to the ground?
It's cute and the style is pretty cozy. Don't give up and keep working hard.
Thanks for the feedback!
I am working on the first issue (the latest demo with the breakable crates reworked some of the movement physics as well, but i'll be doing more)
As for the second issue, the hitbox is exactly the sprite of the enemy and a bit more.. Them rotating may make them harder to hit, but you should be able to just turn your camera to hit them. For stuff like normal swings, the hit is always detected from your view, using a ray that goes through your weapon. I don't think i should/could make changes to this nature of the hitbox, otherwise what you see and what you hit would be out of alignment.
I don't think it's a huge issue for now, but the experience does vary a bit depending on how big the enemy sprite is.
Regardless, the hit detects are pretty accurate to what you see on screen.
Quite an improvement from the last demo!
One things that I liked was the texturework on the level, since that flat color usually made it hard to see shapes of the rocks and debris.
The spiders are hard as usual, they rekt me several times. Ironically, the bandits were much easier to kill and it was nice to see the new content.
Anyway, the game is really fun and really hard. Souls-like games are not my type, but it was easy to see the appeal. Gonna show to some friends and see what they think about that.
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