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Plastic-eating Shell FairyView game page

Clean up the river by eating all the plastic you can with your shell fairy
Submitted by Nerokota, GwenaelleBerlu, Inm4nuel — 47 minutes, 52 seconds before the deadline
Rated by 12 people so far
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I really liked it, the mechanics were kind of cool and I liked the enemies and how the overall atmosphere looked and felt. I thought whenever you would get hit and it was so sudden like that including with the sound, I think it worked as well. Great job on this one! 


Great game, nice art and very good music. 


The atmosphere really fit the theme, and eating plastic as a goal is definitely an interesting victory condition! I especially like the sprite you made for the crab!


the art is amazing, even the character design, really cool the ambient and the level design, great work,
I invite you to play my game and give me some feedback as well ^^


Mmm microplastics...

The game is cute and the music is very peaceful, I love the vibe of the game!

Good job team!


Great art and fairly fun collect a ton! Big expansive map. I do suggest making the entries a bit more clear. Wasn't sure it changed maps. Other than that, great job!


Great graphics!


Delightfully relaxed game, and fantastically excecuted. Everything works great together, amazing work


Great job! I think the perspective effect on the foreground sometimes hid the pellets, but it does add a bit of challenge to find them, so it should be fine


Hi, thank you for playing and let a comment ! We ran out of time to adjust the background and the environment in general, but nice to hear that so ^^ 


Fun game. very tranquil. I found it hard to see where I was going because the camera lagged behind. But it was very cute.


I did it! Very fun game. I absolutely adore the art, especially the background art. The speed is good and that school of fish got me a few times. I'd like to give critical feedback about two things. First, I didn't feel like I needed to use the dash at all. Maybe more parts that would need you to use it? Second, the spacing out of the little circles in each level. You should have an overall counter and a level counter. Or at least make each of them in a level at an even level. I ran around that first level trying to find the 10th piece of plastic for a while just to realize there were only 9. Other than that, really good vibes, the music was rather low, but sounded great once I blasted my speakers lol. Great job overall!


Thanks a lot for your constructive feedback !!