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Samuel Mortimer rated EL TOPO 2

Samuel Mortimer rated a spiritual crisis 5 years ago
A browser spiritual crisis made in HTML5.

the graphics look a little dated! and i did not like that at the end you are just lying there crying! that was a real WTF moment! i posted my reaction to the ending on YouTube and i shouted "WTF" into the camera and it was hilarious!

however, despite the dated graphics tech and the Bad ending, i enjoyed the shooting aspect of the gameplay, the shooting mechanics are classic and Addictive gameplay and sure enough they really deliver The Fun Factor.

we can only hope the dlc builds upon the campaign's strengths and further explores the compelling gunplay core gameplay loop, as it is the golden standard for fps, classic jodorowsky gameplay,

i considered 100% but due to i was surprised at the length of the campaign clocking less than even one hour, so i knock off a point: my official Rating is a strong to light 99%