So remember about the game idea I had last week? Yea I’m changing all of that grappling hook mechanic and turn it into a normal platform game with multiple mechanics. So yea let’s start again…
This time I’m going to make a Super Mario like (with no enemies… yet…) game.
The visual design is like Pico Park… well kind of the same but it’s easier for me to make a game with low poly visual. After all, the point of the game is to be fun.
The game is a low poly visual platformer that is inspired by Super Mario and Pico Park. Where the player has to go through obstacles and get to a door to move on the next level. They will face multiple challenges that seems difficult yet fun to beat. each levels have its unique visual design and what I mean by that is 1-5 is like green outdoor area and then 6-10 is like indoor dark dungeon. There are coins for high scores (because why not, it makes the game replayable) and hidden stars hiding in each level (this is like a multiplier/boost for the coins to increase the score), Beat all of the levels and reach the highest score!
I’m planning to add laser, moving platform, button that can interact with both, floor and walls closing in, enemies, trampoline, double jump pallet, and etc. (These will be obstacles the player will face)
I’m planning to add scores, lives, coins, stars, flag (for checkpoint), and etc. (to make the game replayable and in player’s favour)
The finish product will be around 20 levels with its distinct design. There are tons of in-game mechanics whether it upgrades the player or an obstacle for the player to avoid. Beating the game will give the player their scores depending on how many they collected the coins and using stars as a boost. GO BIG OR GO HOME!
I’ve spent couple of weeks and 10+ hours to make this game, unfortunately there are a lot of limitations in GDevelop that I need to fully understand so that I can avoid mistakes and go around those limits. So far, I only added the moving platform and button to move the platform mechanic which isn’t great but it is something I’m proud of.
This is playtest in week 3 because I forgot the week 4 class, please forgive me!
As I mentioned in “Platformer Development” the visuals do look low polish or bland, but the whole idea is that it is to make it fun!
When finalising this game it’ll be so much fun like Super Mario and Pico Park combined.
Other than that there are multiple and interesting mechanics that improves the gameplay. Beat your friend’s score to become the best! AND… it’s free!!!
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Week 5: