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QUT Bachelor of Games and Interactive Design Blogpost – Week 8: Racing Development Post, Assignment 2 Progress

Racing Development Post

Alright bad news. The programming for the NPC enemies when they move to different lanes in the terrain doesn't work well since the terrain is full of bumps and obstacles. I might add them later on if I have the time but for now I'll just focus on the player's movements and the scoring system. I added time that track how long the player lasted before they fail, which means I'll added lives systems or... I added scores and to get the score player must do tricks on the tracks. Either way I'm still thinking of a better technique to make the gameplay infinite.

So far I've already added the assets and the player's movements. The rest I'll updated in post mortem, the assets make it look janky but it still fuctional

Assignment 2 Progress

So the assignment 2 is about making a "One Page and One Sheet" which basically like a game design docs based on one of the prototypes I have made. 

One Sheet contain just enough information that someone would understand the pitch of your game. Which is like a commercial or poster that advertise my game.

One Page is a game design document that contain enough details explaining the core mechanics, artstyle, the focused design and could use it as a reference for your team to begin building it.

I'm choosing the Platformer game I made because it has a lot of progress and improvements compared to others. Also because I like platformer game and fortunately the program to make it in GDevelop is not so complicated.

So this is the early design for the One Page I made for the Platformer:

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