Lettuce Grow The Love Tree.
It's about a sad, loving, lonely head of lettuce who decides to tend to a forest garden and grow a Love Tree, a tree that will hopefully bring every creature everywhere happiness when it reaches maturity.
The love tree grows by tending to the garden and giving the fruits of it's labor to other sad and lonely creatures that come in hopes of finding some happiness in the Love Tree Garden.
Although this is currently represented in the game (and this post) via the little kiosk shop setup, the goal of this idea isn't to run the game like a shop, but to actually grow a vast garden that attracts all sorts of creatures seeking joy and happiness to your garden, which in turn will grow the love tree (or, you know, a garden full of lemons if that's your fancy).
The game will feature:
Procedurally generated ground cover that bends to your weight, because why not? No two ground covers will look the same!
1) Weird seeds that magically sprout legs, and Seedy, your trusty seed bag who happily stores seeds for our lettuce friend.
2) Hoeing, seeding, watering....
3) Giving
4) A Love Tree
And many environmental details, particles, animals, etc, procedurally generated and specific quest characters with their own wants and sadnesses, some of whom will gift you seeds for different plants for you to grow.
I want things to have a sense of magic to them, like in the above gif with the seeds picking themselves up and hopping into Seedy's mouth to store themselves from the elements. I think it's kind of a quirky fun detail in a Studio Ghibli/Fantasia sort of way.
Also I post things on twitter.com/craigoryham, if you're into tweets.
I'll update this page as LGTLT updates.
Comments, critiques, suggestions, and questions are welcome.