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There are never too many Cats Pets! A third game on the brand is now on App Store and Google Play!

A topic by DEVGAME_OU created Aug 21, 2020 Views: 95
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Shopping is an interesting, useful and a developmental occupation, especially when it comes to a new update of the Cats Pets: Shop.

Right from the beginning of the game the kittens will become kids' guides in the world of supermarket.
- Having chosen a kitten and a trolley you like, head for your favorite section.
- Candy, Toys, Fruit - there is a bit of everything that kids adore.
- Look around carefully, don't miss the necessary stuff on the list.
- Do not forget to overcome all the obstacles in your way like wet floor, and then you'll need to weigh fruit and a lot more
- After going through all the sections you might get a reward

When starting a supermarket game, the kid will subconsciously train and acquire useful life skills. Not just some random characters, but their favorite characters will help users learn how to go for groceries with a shopping list, flex their attention muscle, as well as improve their logical thinking and fine motor skills. Besides, it is possible to unlock products at the end of the level so that the game becomes even more fun!

The game is available for free on App Store and Google Play in the "Fun Games for Kids" category, without any age restrictions!
 Cats Pets: Shop is an engaging way to get your kid to do something useful in their free time while you can relax and dedicate time to your things -

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