Currently I have a HTML5 testgame in prototype status and I try to get the hang of how the itch.io api is working.
For example my game has user accounts and I want to create a user account on my server side for the current itch.io user. Therefore I need a userid or something like that. I know that I can use https://itch.io/api/1/me/me but it doesn't look really save to just 'browse' this via javascript and send the id parameter to my servers. I also found https://itch.io/t/50170/api-fo... but it looks like this information isn't working because I can't find the part 'You ask for API access by adding a line to a simple text file in your game' in the linked documentation. What line needs to be added? I also don't know which expiring key is meant.
Thanks for any advice :)