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(1 edit) (+2)

That is really too bad! My plan was to let users play our game. When they are logged in to they get a user counterpart on our servers. When they buy an item via IAP this transaction is stored on our servers and when they restart the game (it's an idle game where raiders farm maps and collect items) they get all their bought items back.

Looks like we must wait till you support some kind of login mechanism.

In the linked thread Amos mentioned following workflow:

  • You ask for API access by adding a line to a simple text file in your game
  • An expiring key (tied to your game and the player) gets passed as an environment variable to your game
  • You can send it to your servers, and do the `/me` request from there!

This should work for our use case - Isn't this working anymore? The client sends the expiring key to our servers and our backend does the /me request and therefore knows the user who currently plays the game because the expiring key the client sends to our servers is tied to the player.


Looks like the API key & scoping part mentioned in the docs is only working when launching the game via app. There I get the user information correctly. Game opened via browser just gets "No itch integration" (I used Would love to see a solution which works without app :)

Thanks anyways!