I have been testing out game development workflows and here is my second attempt to do something. I worked on this game for about 4 weeks and would appreciate some feedback. This game is a modified version of a global game jam idea from the year where the theme was "Ritual" (a forgot which year it was).
Pigeon Meltdown is a shooter game where you have to compete against other pigeons for popcorn in a square. You have a machine gun that you can use to achieve that goal, but it's bullets are made of popcorns and you have to use it carefully because you need 50% or more of the day's total popcorn count to level up. Each day that you survive, more pigeons appear and more popcorns are thrown, the goal is to set or beat a highscore.
Gameplay video:
You can download it here https://aalves.itch.io/pigeonmeltdown